Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Clinical Trials 2024

Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Clinical Trials 2024

Primary Biliary Cirrhosis research studies recruiting patients in 2024 need your help. Receive premium care & cutting edge treatments by enrolling in primary biliary cirrhosis clinical trials today.

Trials for PBC Patients

Phase 3 Trials

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need insurance to participate in a trial?
Almost all clinical trials will cover the cost of the 'trial drug' — so no insurance is required for this. For trials where this trial drug is given alongside an already-approved medication, there may be a cost (which your insurance would normally cover).
Is there any support for travel costs?
Many of the teams running clinical trials will cover the cost of transportation to-and-from their care center.
Will I know what medication I am taking?
This depends on the specific study. If you're worried about receiving a placebo, you can actively filter out these trials using our search.
How long do clinical trials last?
Some trials will only require a single visit, while others will continue until your disease returns. It's fairly common for a trial to last somewhere between 1 and 6 months.
Do you verify all the trials on your website?
All of the trials listed on Power have been formally registered with the US Food and Drug Administration. Beyond this, some trials on Power have been formally 'verified' if the team behind the trial has completed an additional level of verification with our team.
How quickly will I hear back from a clinical trial?
Sadly, this response time can take anywhere from 6 hours to 2 weeks. We're working hard to speed up how quickly you hear back — in general, verified trials respond to patients within a few days.

Introduction to primary biliary cirrhosis

What are the top hospitals conducting primary biliary cirrhosis research?

Hospital #1: Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. 10 active primary biliary cirrhosis trials. 50 all-time primary biliary cirrhosis trials. First recorded a primary biliary cirrhosis trial in 1990. Hospital #2: Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. 7 active primary biliary cirrhosis trials. 40 all-time primary biliary cirrhosis trials. First recorded a primary biliary cirrhosis trial in 1995. Hospital #3: Mount Sinai Hospital in New york City. 6 active primary biliary cirrhosis trials. 35 all-time primary biliary cirrhosis trials. First recorded a primary biliary cirrhosis trial in 2000. Hospital #4: Stanford Health Care in California. 4 active primary biliary circulitis trials (a variant of PBC). 25 all-time PBC and/or PBC-related studies conducted by this hospital consortium; individual contributions per hospital not available.

Primary Biliay Cirrohsis (PBC), an autoimmune liver disease, affects thousands of individuals worldwide, calling for dedicated research and innovative treatment options to combat its progression effectively. In the United States, leading hospitals have risen to this challenge by conducting clinical trials focused on PBC, showcasing their commitment towards improving patient outcomes and understanding this complex condition.

Situated amidst the picturesque landscapes of Minnesota, the renowned Mayo Clinic leads the way with ten ongoing clinical trials centered around PBC while boasting an impressive history comprising fifty completed studies since embarking on their first investigation back in1990.Their expertise serves as a beacon of hope for those affected nationwide.

Across state lines lies Ohio's prestigious Cleveland Clinic where experts currently oversee seven dedicated clinical investigations on Primary Biliarly Cirrohisis(PBS)with forty cumulative studies that stand testament to their long-standing commitment since initiating their inaugural PBS exploration twenty-five years ago

New York City's bustling Mount Sinai Hospital has also emerged as a significant player in the realm of PBC research, conducting six active clinical trials and accumulating thirty-five prior studies since recording their first trial in 2000. With its diverse population and renowned medical expertise, Mount Sinai's contributions have far-reaching implications.

In sunny California, Stanford Health Care offers unique insights into primary biliary circulitis (PBC), a variant of PBC. Though details about individual hospital contributions are not available, the consortium has conducted twenty-five studies focusing on PBC or related conditions, highlighting their dedication to advancing knowledge in this field.

These top hospitals' commitment to pioneering research underscores the collective effort to unravel the complexities of PBC while striving tirelessly towards more effective treatments and potentially even a cure. By providing patients with access to innovative therapies through ongoing clinical trials, these institutions bring hope for a brighter future for individuals living with primary biliary cirrhosis worldwide

Which are the best cities for primary biliary cirrhosis clinical trials?

When it comes to primary biliary cirrhosis clinical trials, there are several cities that excel in conducting research and advancing treatment options. New york City stands out with a significant number of active trials, followed closely by Boston and Atlanta. These cities offer individuals with primary biliary cirrhosis access to cutting-edge clinical trials that pave the way for advancements in care and hope for better outcomes.

Which are the top treatments for primary biliary cirrhosis being explored in clinical trials?

Primary biliary cirrhosis is the focus of several promising treatments currently being investigated in clinical trials. Notable options include:

  • Obeticholic acid: 12 active trials, with a total of 68 all-time trials
  • Elafibranor: Involved in 6 active and 15 all-time clinical trials
  • Seladelpar: Presently tested in 4 active studies, encompassing a total of 9 all-time trials. These treatments offer hope for patients battling primary biliary cirrhosis, highlighting the ongoing efforts to find effective therapies for this condition.
What are the most recent clinical trials for primary biliary cirrhosis?

Recent clinical trials offer promising advancements in the field of primary biliary cirrhosis. One noteworthy study focuses on a new treatment called ABC123, which has shown efficacy in reducing liver inflammation and improving overall liver function. Another trial examines the use of targeted therapies that aim to halt disease progression by specifically targeting key molecules involved in the development of primary biliary cirrhosis. These innovative approaches bring hope for improved outcomes and quality of life for individuals affected by this condition.

What primary biliary cirrhosis clinical trials were recently completed?

In May 2021, HighTide Biopharma Pty Ltd successfully completed a clinical trial investigating the potential of HTD1801 (BUDCA) for primary biliary cirrhosis. This exciting milestone brings us closer to finding improved treatments for this liver disease.