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Group Commitment Contracts for Smoking Cessation

Waitlist Available
Led By Martin Valdivia, PhD
Research Sponsored by National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
Eligibility Criteria Checklist
Specific guidelines that determine who can or cannot participate in a clinical trial
Must have
Aged 18 years or older
Be older than 18 years old
Screening 3 weeks
Treatment Varies
Follow Up 6 months
Awards & highlights


This trial will test whether group commitment contracts help people quit smoking and lose weight.

Who is the study for?
This trial is for adults who smoke daily and are interested in losing weight at a safe pace (up to 2 lbs per week), aiming for a healthy BMI. Participants need internet access, a smartphone, and must be willing to use their own money for the commitment contracts. Pregnant individuals or those with terminal illnesses cannot join.Check my eligibility
What is being tested?
The study tests if group commitment contracts help people quit smoking and lose weight better than individual rewards or contracts. It's a randomized controlled trial, meaning participants are randomly assigned to different groups to compare outcomes.See study design
What are the potential side effects?
There may not be direct medical side effects from participating; however, there could be financial loss due to the nature of commitment contracts if goals aren't met. Stress or frustration might also occur as part of behavior change efforts.

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria

You may be eligible if you check “Yes” for the criteria below
I am 18 years old or older.


Screening ~ 3 weeks
Treatment ~ Varies
Follow Up ~6 months
This trial's timeline: 3 weeks for screening, Varies for treatment, and 6 months for reporting.

Treatment Details

Study Objectives

Outcome measures can provide a clearer picture of what you can expect from a treatment.
Primary outcome measures
Smoking Cessation / Weight Loss
Other outcome measures
Smoking Cessation / Weight Loss by Sex/Gender, Race, and Ethnicity

Trial Design

7Treatment groups
Experimental Treatment
Active Control
Group I: Individual Monetary Rewards + InformationExperimental Treatment2 Interventions
Subjects are offered individual monetary rewards for smoking cessation or weight loss and receive additional information treatments.
Group II: Individual Monetary RewardsExperimental Treatment1 Intervention
Subjects are offered individual monetary rewards for smoking cessation or weight loss and receive no additional information treatments.
Group III: Individual Commitment Contract + InformationExperimental Treatment2 Interventions
Subjects are offered an individual commitment contract for smoking cessation or weight loss and receive additional information treatments.
Group IV: Individual Commitment ContractExperimental Treatment1 Intervention
Subjects are offered an individual commitment contract for smoking cessation or weight loss and receive no additional information treatments.
Group V: Group Commitment Contract + InformationExperimental Treatment2 Interventions
Subjects are offered a group commitment contract for smoking cessation or weight loss and receive additional information treatments.
Group VI: Group Commitment ContractExperimental Treatment1 Intervention
Subjects are offered a group commitment contract for smoking cessation or weight loss and receive no additional information treatments.
Group VII: ControlActive Control1 Intervention
Subjects are not offered a group commitment contract, individual commitment contract, or individual monetary rewards. Subjects do not receive additional information treatments.

Find a Location

Who is running the clinical trial?

Northwestern UniversityOTHER
1,608 Previous Clinical Trials
923,717 Total Patients Enrolled
National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.Lead Sponsor
31 Previous Clinical Trials
919,640 Total Patients Enrolled
Martin Valdivia, PhDPrincipal InvestigatorGRADE

Media Library

Group Commitment Contract Clinical Trial Eligibility Overview. Trial Name: NCT04224727 — N/A
Smoking Cessation Research Study Groups: Group Commitment Contract, Individual Commitment Contract + Information, Individual Commitment Contract, Individual Monetary Rewards, Group Commitment Contract + Information, Individual Monetary Rewards + Information, Control
Smoking Cessation Clinical Trial 2023: Group Commitment Contract Highlights & Side Effects. Trial Name: NCT04224727 — N/A
Group Commitment Contract 2023 Treatment Timeline for Medical Study. Trial Name: NCT04224727 — N/A
~2000 spots leftby Jun 2025