Radiation Therapy: What You Need To Know

Radiation Therapy Techniques

Alternative Approaches

Safety Measures

Types of External-Beam Therapy

External-beam therapy is a type of radiation treatment. It aims high-energy rays at cancer from outside your body. There are three main types: 3D-CRT, IMRT, and SBRT.

Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy (3D-CRT) shapes radiation beams to match the tumor. The machine rotates around you. It sends beams from different angles. This helps to avoid damaging healthy tissue near the tumor.

Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) is more precise than 3D-CRT. The machine adjusts the strength of each beam in real-time. This allows it to target different parts of the tumor with different doses.

Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) is even more focused than IMRT. It delivers a high dose in fewer treatments, typically over one to five days.

Each method has pros and cons. Your doctor will help you choose based on your condition.

Internal Radiation Therapy Types

Internal radiation therapy, also known as brachytherapy, is a form of treatment for various types of cancer. It involves placing radioactive material inside your body. This method targets the tumor directly, minimizing damage to healthy cells.

Two primary types exist: permanent and temporary internal radiation therapy.

Permanent Internal Radiation Therapy

In this type, doctors implant small radioactive seeds or pellets in or near the tumor. The radioactivity decreases over time but stays in place permanently. These seeds give off low levels of radiation targeted at the cancer cells for weeks or months.

Temporary Internal Radiation Therapy

Contrary to permanent therapy, temporary internal radiation involves inserting a higher-dose radioactive source into your body for a set period before removal by medical professionals.

Choosing between these therapies depends on several factors including cancer type and stage, overall health status and individual patient preference.

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Alternative Radiation Treatment Options

Alternative radiation treatment options exist. These treatments use high-energy particles to destroy cancer cells. The three main types are external beam, internal radiation (brachytherapy), and systemic radiotherapy.

External Beam Radiation Therapy

External beam uses a machine outside the body which directs high-energy rays at the cancer. It targets specific areas where cancer exists, minimizing damage to healthy tissue around it. This therapy is often used in daily sessions over several weeks.

Internal Radiation Therapy (Brachytherapy)

Internal radiation therapy places radioactive material inside your body near the cancer site. It can be temporary or permanent, depending on the type of brachytherapy utilized.

Systemic Radiotherapy

Systemic radiotherapy involves swallowing or injecting radioactive substances into the bloodstream. This allows for targeted treatment of cancers that have spread throughout the body.

What's important? Each option has its pros and cons related to side effects, effectiveness, and suitability for different types of cancers. Remember: Research thoroughly before deciding on a treatment path with your medical team.

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Precautions During Internal Therapy.

Internal therapy refers to treatments taken orally or injected directly into the body. These therapies can be potent, so precautions are necessary.

1. Follow Dosage Instructions: Always take the prescribed dosage at scheduled times. Overdosing and under-dosing can lead to health complications.

2. Update Your Medical History: Inform your healthcare provider about any allergies, current medications, or medical conditions you have. This information helps them tailor a safe treatment plan for you.

3. Monitor Side Effects: Every medication has potential side effects. Report any unusual symptoms immediately to your healthcare provider.

These precautions promote successful internal therapy outcomes while minimizing risks.