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VA Palo Alto Health Care System

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Palo Alto, California 94304
Global Leader in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Global Leader in Depression
Conducts research for Cancer
Conducts research for Traumatic Stress Disorders
Conducts research for Sleep Disorders
299 reported clinical trials
30 medical researchers
Photo of VA Palo Alto Health Care System in Palo AltoPhoto of VA Palo Alto Health Care System in Palo AltoPhoto of VA Palo Alto Health Care System in Palo Alto


VA Palo Alto Health Care System is a medical facility located in Palo Alto, California. This center is recognized for care of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, Cancer, Traumatic Stress Disorders, Sleep Disorders and other specialties. VA Palo Alto Health Care System is involved with conducting 299 clinical trials across 371 conditions. There are 30 research doctors associated with this hospital, such as Manali I Patel, MD MPH MS, Harlan A. Pinto, Shipra Arya, MD, and Daniel M. Blonigen, PhD MA.

Top PIs

Clinical Trials running at VA Palo Alto Health Care System

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Follicular Lymphoma
Substance Use Disorders
Oropharyngeal Carcinoma
Kidney Disease
Oropharyngeal Cancer
Traumatic Stress Disorders
Image of trial facility.

Problem Solving Therapy

for Suicide Prevention in Veterans

This study is evaluating whether a therapy which focuses on problem solving and planning may help reduce suicide risk in older veterans. original
Recruiting1 award N/A22 criteria
Image of trial facility.


for PTSD

This study is evaluating whether a new intervention may help encourage veterans to seek mental health services.
Recruiting1 award N/A1 criteria
Image of trial facility.


for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

In post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), intrusive, traumatic, autobiographical memories lead to anxiety symptoms. Recent work suggests a new repetitive pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) brain target that might bring relief. Since this proposed target is not well understood, the goal of the study is to use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to identify the brain regions and networks that change with rTMS stimulation at this target area in PTSD patients. Ultimately, this would lead to a personalized approach to rTMS treatment of PTSD based on brain imaging that can be used in a future clinical trial. Participants will be asked to complete psychological testing and questionnaires as well as an initial MRI and two separate TMS-fMRI sessions. Total participation time across all visits is estimated to be five to six hours. Research participation will take place at VA Palo Alto as well as at Stanford University.
Recruiting1 award N/A

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Frequently asked questions

What kind of research happens at VA Palo Alto Health Care System?
VA Palo Alto Health Care System is a medical facility located in Palo Alto, California. This center is recognized for care of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, Cancer, Traumatic Stress Disorders, Sleep Disorders and other specialties. VA Palo Alto Health Care System is involved with conducting 299 clinical trials across 371 conditions. There are 30 research doctors associated with this hospital, such as Manali I Patel, MD MPH MS, Harlan A. Pinto, Shipra Arya, MD, and Daniel M. Blonigen, PhD MA.