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mRNA Vaccine

mRNA Vaccines for RSV

Phase 1
Waitlist Available
Research Sponsored by ModernaTX, Inc.
Eligibility Criteria Checklist
Specific guidelines that determine who can or cannot participate in a clinical trial
Must have
In general, do you consider your child to be in good health?
Be younger than 18 years old
Screening 3 weeks
Treatment Varies
Follow Up baseline up to month 12
Awards & highlights


This trial tests the safety and effectiveness of two vaccines for RSV and hMPV in babies and toddlers.

Who is the study for?
This trial is for children aged 5 to less than 24 months who are generally healthy and have not had recent RSV or hMPV infections. They must be born full-term with a normal birth weight, without severe allergies to vaccine components, and haven't received RSV/hMPV prophylaxis.Check my eligibility
What is being tested?
The study tests two mRNA vaccines: mRNA-1365 against both RSV and hMPV, and mRNA-1345 against only RSV. Participants will receive the vaccines or placebo over several visits, with their safety and immune response monitored.See study design
What are the potential side effects?
Possible side effects include typical reactions at the injection site like pain or swelling, fever, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, chills. Severe allergic reactions are rare but possible due to vaccine ingredients.

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria

You may be eligible if you check “Yes” for the criteria below
Is your child generally healthy?


Screening ~ 3 weeks
Treatment ~ Varies
Follow Up ~baseline up to month 12
This trial's timeline: 3 weeks for screening, Varies for treatment, and baseline up to month 12 for reporting.

Treatment Details

Study Objectives

Outcome measures can provide a clearer picture of what you can expect from a treatment.
Primary outcome measures
Number of Participants with Adverse Event of Special Interests (AESIs), Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) and Adverse Events Leading to Discontinuation
Number of Participants with Medically-Attended Adverse Events (MAAEs)
Number of Participants with Solicited Local and Systemic Adverse Reactions (ARs)
+1 more
Secondary outcome measures
Geometric Mean Fold-Rise (GMFR) Postbaseline/baseline Neutralizing Antibody Titers
Geometric Mean Titer (GMT) of Serum RSV and hMPV Neutralizing Antibodies
GeometricMean Concentration (GMC) of Serum RSV F- and hMPV F-Binding Antibodies
+1 more

Trial Design

10Treatment groups
Experimental Treatment
Placebo Group
Group I: Part C: mRNA-1345 Dose 1 (Age Group 8 to <12 months not exposed to nirsevimab)Experimental Treatment1 Intervention
Participants who have not been previously exposed to nirsevimab will receive mRNA 1345 by IM on Days 1, 57, and 113.
Group II: Part C: mRNA-1345 Dose 1 (Age Group 8 to <12 months exposed to nirsevimab)Experimental Treatment1 Intervention
Participants who have been previously exposed to nirsevimab will receive mRNA 1345 by IM on Days 1, 57, and 113.
Group III: Part B: mRNA-1365, Dose 2 (Age Group: 5 to <8 months)Experimental Treatment1 Intervention
Participants will receive mRNA-1365 by IM injection on Days 1, 57 and 113.
Group IV: Part B: mRNA-1365 Dose 1 (Age Group: 5 to <8 months)Experimental Treatment1 Intervention
Participants will receive mRNA-1365 by IM injection on Days 1, 57 and 113.
Group V: Part B: mRNA-1345, Dose 2 (Age Group: 5 to <8 months)Experimental Treatment1 Intervention
Participants will receive mRNA-1345 by IM injection on Days 1, 57 and 113.
Group VI: Part B: mRNA-1345 Dose 1 (Age Group: 5 to <8 months)Experimental Treatment1 Intervention
Participants will receive mRNA-1345 by IM injection on Days 1, 57 and 113.
Group VII: Part A: mRNA-1365, Dose 1 (Age Group: 8 to <24 months)Experimental Treatment1 Intervention
Participants will receive mRNA-1365 vaccine by IM injection on Days 1, 57 and 113.
Group VIII: Part A: mRNA-1345, Dose 1 (Age Group: 8 to <24 months)Experimental Treatment1 Intervention
Participants will receive mRNA-1345 vaccine by intramuscular (IM) injection on Days 1, 57 and 113.
Group IX: Part B: Placebo (Age Group: 5 to <8 months)Placebo Group2 Interventions
Participants will receive mRNA-1345/ mRNA-1365 vaccine matching placebo by IM injection on Days 1, 57 and 113. In countries where applicable, participants may receive Nimenrix instead of placebo on Day 113.
Group X: Part A: Placebo (Age Group: 8 to <24 months)Placebo Group2 Interventions
Participants will receive mRNA-1345/ mRNA-1365 vaccine matching placebo by IM injection on Days 1, 57 and 113. In countries where applicable, participants may receive Nimenrix instead of placebo on Day 113.
First Studied
Drug Approval Stage
How many patients have taken this drug
Completed Phase 3

Research Highlights

Information in this section is not a recommendation. We encourage patients to speak with their healthcare team when evaluating any treatment decision.
Mechanism Of Action
Side Effect Profile
Prior Approvals
Other Research
The most common treatments for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) include supportive care, antiviral medications, and preventive measures like vaccines. mRNA vaccines, such as mRNA-1365 and mRNA-1345, work by instructing cells to produce viral proteins that stimulate the immune system to recognize and fight the virus. This mechanism is crucial for RSV patients as it helps the body build immunity without causing the disease, potentially reducing the severity and incidence of RSV infections.

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Who is running the clinical trial?

ModernaTX, Inc.Lead Sponsor
108 Previous Clinical Trials
61,379,754 Total Patients Enrolled

Media Library

mRNA-1345 (mRNA Vaccine) Clinical Trial Eligibility Overview. Trial Name: NCT05743881 — Phase 1
Respiratory Syncytial Virus Research Study Groups: Part C: mRNA-1345 Dose 1 (Age Group 8 to <12 months exposed to nirsevimab), Part C: mRNA-1345 Dose 1 (Age Group 8 to <12 months not exposed to nirsevimab), Part B: mRNA-1365 Dose 1 (Age Group: 5 to <8 months), Part B: mRNA-1345 Dose 1 (Age Group: 5 to <8 months), Part B: Placebo (Age Group: 5 to <8 months), Part A: mRNA-1345, Dose 1 (Age Group: 8 to <24 months), Part A: mRNA-1365, Dose 1 (Age Group: 8 to <24 months), Part A: Placebo (Age Group: 8 to <24 months), Part B: mRNA-1345, Dose 2 (Age Group: 5 to <8 months), Part B: mRNA-1365, Dose 2 (Age Group: 5 to <8 months)
Respiratory Syncytial Virus Clinical Trial 2023: mRNA-1345 Highlights & Side Effects. Trial Name: NCT05743881 — Phase 1
mRNA-1345 (mRNA Vaccine) 2023 Treatment Timeline for Medical Study. Trial Name: NCT05743881 — Phase 1
~123 spots leftby Jul 2026