Mohs Surgery: What You Need To Know

Post-Operative Information

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Post-Surgical Care and Follow-up After Mohs Surgery

Mohs surgery, a procedure that removes skin cancer layer by layer while sparing healthy tissue, is typically an outpatient process, allowing patients to return home the same day.

Post-surgery care begins immediately. It is important to keep the surgical area dry for 24 hours. Engaging in heavy lifting and strenuous activity may be limited for a week or two. Some discomfort, swelling, or redness around the wound may occur as part of the normal healing process.

  • The wound should be regularly cleaned with mild soap and water after the first day.
  • An antibiotic ointment may be applied as per instructions, and the area should be covered with a non-stick bandage until fully healed.

A follow-up appointment is usually scheduled within seven days post-surgery to potentially remove any stitches, check on the recovery progress, and discuss pathology results from the tissues removed during Mohs surgery.

Observing the surgical site for signs of infection, such as increasing pain, pus drainage, high temperature, or red streaking away from the surgical site, is critical.

In summary, appropriate wound care and activity modification post-Mohs surgery are key components in the recovery process.