
HIV, Treatment Naive, HIV + 3 more
3 FDA approvals
20 Active Studies for Combivir

What is Combivir

LamivudineThe Generic name of this drug
Treatment SummaryDideoxycytidine is a medication used to treat HIV-1 and hepatitis B. It works by inhibiting a reverse transcriptase enzyme that is found in the viruses. Dideoxycytidine is similar to the drug zalcitabine, but it has an extra sulfur atom in its pentose ring.
Epiviris the brand name
image of different drug pills on a surface
Combivir Overview & Background
Brand Name
Generic Name
First FDA Approval
How many FDA approvals?

Approved as Treatment by the FDA

Lamivudine, otherwise called Epivir, is approved by the FDA for 3 uses which include Chronic Hepatitis B Infection and HIV .
Chronic Hepatitis B Infection
Used to treat Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) Infection in combination with Abacavir


How Combivir Affects PatientsLamivudine is a medication that interferes with the replication of HIV-1 and hepatitis B. When it is changed by the body, it forms active components that try to attach to the virus' DNA. This stops the virus from reproducing and stops it from spreading further. Lamivudine also prevents the virus from forming new DNA strands, which it needs to survive.
How Combivir works in the bodyLamivudine works by preventing HIV and HBV from making copies of themselves. It does this by entering the cell and attaching itself to the virus' DNA. This stops the virus from replicating, which effectively stops it from spreading.

When to interrupt dosage

The proposed dose of Combivir is contingent upon the diagnosed condition. The quantity likewise changes as indicated by the technique of delivery laid out in the table beneath.
150.0 mg, 100.0 mg, , 5.0 mg/mL, 300.0 mg, 10.0 mg/mL, 30.0 mg
, Oral, Tablet, film coated, Tablet, film coated - Oral, Solution, Solution - Oral, Tablet, Tablet - Oral, Tablet, coated, Tablet, coated - Oral
Treatment Naive
150.0 mg, 100.0 mg, , 5.0 mg/mL, 300.0 mg, 10.0 mg/mL, 30.0 mg
, Oral, Tablet, film coated, Tablet, film coated - Oral, Solution, Solution - Oral, Tablet, Tablet - Oral, Tablet, coated, Tablet, coated - Oral
150.0 mg, 100.0 mg, , 5.0 mg/mL, 300.0 mg, 10.0 mg/mL, 30.0 mg
, Oral, Tablet, film coated, Tablet, film coated - Oral, Solution, Solution - Oral, Tablet, Tablet - Oral, Tablet, coated, Tablet, coated - Oral
Anti-Retroviral Agents
150.0 mg, 100.0 mg, , 5.0 mg/mL, 300.0 mg, 10.0 mg/mL, 30.0 mg
, Oral, Tablet, film coated, Tablet, film coated - Oral, Solution, Solution - Oral, Tablet, Tablet - Oral, Tablet, coated, Tablet, coated - Oral
Chronic Hepatitis B Infection
150.0 mg, 100.0 mg, , 5.0 mg/mL, 300.0 mg, 10.0 mg/mL, 30.0 mg
, Oral, Tablet, film coated, Tablet, film coated - Oral, Solution, Solution - Oral, Tablet, Tablet - Oral, Tablet, coated, Tablet, coated - Oral
treatment failure
150.0 mg, 100.0 mg, , 5.0 mg/mL, 300.0 mg, 10.0 mg/mL, 30.0 mg
, Oral, Tablet, film coated, Tablet, film coated - Oral, Solution, Solution - Oral, Tablet, Tablet - Oral, Tablet, coated, Tablet, coated - Oral


There are 20 known major drug interactions with Combivir.
Common Combivir Drug Interactions
Drug Name
Risk Level
Lamivudine may decrease the excretion rate of Aclidinium which could result in a higher serum level.
Lamivudine may decrease the excretion rate of Acrivastine which could result in a higher serum level.
Albutrepenonacog alfa
Lamivudine may decrease the excretion rate of Albutrepenonacog alfa which could result in a higher serum level.
Lamivudine may decrease the excretion rate of Allylestrenol which could result in a higher serum level.
Lamivudine may decrease the excretion rate of Almasilate which could result in a higher serum level.
Combivir Toxicity & Overdose RiskCommon side effects of this drug in adults include headache, nausea, feeling unwell, nasal discomfort, diarrhea, and coughing.
image of a doctor in a lab doing drug, clinical research

Combivir Novel Uses: Which Conditions Have a Clinical Trial Featuring Combivir?

Clinical Trials
Trial Phases
135 Actively Recruiting
Phase 2, Not Applicable, Phase 1, Phase 3, Phase 4, Early Phase 1
39 Actively Recruiting
Phase 2, Phase 3, Early Phase 1, Phase 1, Phase 4, Not Applicable
Chronic Hepatitis B Infection
7 Actively Recruiting
Phase 3, Phase 2, Phase 1
treatment failure
0 Actively Recruiting
Treatment Naive
0 Actively Recruiting
Anti-Retroviral Agents
0 Actively Recruiting

Combivir Reviews: What are patients saying about Combivir?

5Patient Review
Combivir for HIV
This treatment is truly life-changing. It has helped me manage my HIV effectively and I couldn't be more grateful.
5Patient Review
Combivir for HIV
I've been on Combivir for 12 years now with no ill effects that I'm aware of. Reyataz, however, raised my liver enzymes in 3 different categories to over 325. This could have easily destroyed my liver had I not caught it in time. If you're prescribed this drug, make sure to get a follow-up blood draw a few weeks later just to be safe. It's important to be proactive when it comes to your health!
5Patient Review
Combivir for HIV
5Patient Review
Combivir for HIV
4.3Patient Review
Combivir for HIV
The AZT component of this treatment can be tiring. I've learned to live with the chronic fatigue, but it still frustrates me.
4Patient Review
Combivir for HIV
I got really sick to my stomach from this treatment, and I had chills and cramps.
4Patient Review
Combivir for HIV
I've been living with HIV for 13 years and have an undetectable viral load and over 1,000 T-cells. I take Trizivir every morning and night without fail.
4Patient Review
Combivir for HIV
This drug has been keeping me alive for the past 10 years and I have had no negative side effects from it.
3.3Patient Review
Combivir for HIV
I took this for a few years and then had to get 35 blood transfusions because I stopped producing it.
3Patient Review
Combivir for HIV
I've been taking Combivir for five years and have had no negative experiences.
2.3Patient Review
Combivir for Prevention of HIV Infection after Exposure
I've been on this medication for five years with no issues, but my doctor wants to take me off of it because of the potential side effect of lipodistrophy. I don't know if switching medications is worth the risk.
1.7Patient Review
Combivir for Prevention of HIV Infection after Exposure
I was prescribed the "protocol" antivirals after being stuck by a needle. The patient I got it from was hep c+ and known iv drug user, and the medications made me sick to my stomach after one dose.I was advised that I did not have to take anymore, several days later, all of my muscles, joints, were so sore, I cold barely lift my arms above shoulders, and walking was painful. Not sure if my "employee health" advisors take this seriously>
1.3Patient Review
Combivir for Prevention of HIV Infection after Exposure
Since I started this medication, I have felt really terrible. It's like moving through molasses and my thinking is very foggy. I'm exhausted all the time. Has anyone else experienced anything similar?
image of drug pills surrounding a glass of water symbolizing drug consumption

Patient Q&A Section about combivir

These questions and answers are submitted by anonymous patients, and have not been verified by our internal team.

How effective is Combivir?

"Combivir is a highly effective antiretroviral drug when used in conjunction with other antiretroviral medications. The efficacy of the drug stems from its ability to lower the amount of the virus in the body, as well as prevent the virus from mutating and becoming resistant to the medication."

Answered by AI

Is Combivir still used?

"All people living with HIV are approved to use Combivir, which is a combination of two drugs: Retrovir and Epivir. Both drugs can still be bought seperately to use with other HIV drugs."

Answered by AI

What is Combivir tablets used for?

"The drug Combivir is indicated for use in combination with other antiretroviral drugs for the treatment of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection. It is recommended that only physicians experienced in the management of HIV infection prescribe this drug. Combivir may be taken with or without food."

Answered by AI

What type of drug is Combivir?

"Combivir is a medication used to treat HIV. It is a combination of two drugs, AZT and 3TC, which are both nucleoside analogues. These drugs work by stopping the HIV virus from replicating. Combivir is usually used in combination with other antiretroviral drugs."

Answered by AI

Clinical Trials for Combivir

Have you considered Combivir clinical trials? We made a collection of clinical trials featuring Combivir, we think they might fit your search criteria.
Have you considered Combivir clinical trials? We made a collection of clinical trials featuring Combivir, we think they might fit your search criteria.
Have you considered Combivir clinical trials? We made a collection of clinical trials featuring Combivir, we think they might fit your search criteria.