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Zithromax vs Biaxin

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Zithromax Information

Biaxin Information

Comparative Analysis

Zithromax Prescription Information

Biaxin Prescription Information

Zithromax Side Effects

Biaxin Side Effects

Safety Information

Cost Information

Market Information


For patients dealing with bacterial infections, certain antibiotics can help by inhibiting the growth of bacteria or killing them outright. Zithromax (Azithromycin) and Biaxin (Clarithromycin) are two such drugs that are commonly prescribed for a variety of bacterial infections. Both belong to the group called macrolide antibiotics which work by stopping the growth of bacteria. Zithromax is often used in treating different types of infections caused by bacteria, such as respiratory infections, skin infections, ear infections, and sexually transmitted diseases. On the other hand, Biaxin is typically employed to treat many different types of bacterial infections affecting the skin and respiratory system among others. It's also used in combination with other medicines to treat stomach ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori.

Zithromax vs Biaxin Side By Side

Brand NameZithromaxBiaxin
ContraindicationsShould not be taken with ergotamine drugs or pimozideShould not be taken with ergotamine drugs or pimozide
CostApproximately $0.40/day to $2/day for generics; around $50 for a Z-Pak of the brand nameApproximately $.60/day to slightly more than $4/day for generics; $80 to approximately $130 for a pack of 20 tablets (500 mg each) of the brand name
Generic NameAzithromycinClarithromycin
Most Serious Side EffectSevere allergic reaction, liver problems, irregular heart rhythm, nervous system issuesAllergic reactions, persistent diarrhea with blood or mucus, irregular heartbeat and chest pain, severe dizziness, confusion and unusual changes in mood, eye problems
Severe Drug InteractionsErgotamine drugs, pimozideErgotamine drugs, pimozide
Typical Dose500 mg on the first day, followed by 250 mg once daily for an additional four days for adults. For children, 10 mg/kg on the first day, then 5 mg/kg on days two through five.250–500 mg/day, taken orally, can be increased up to 1000 mg/day, divided into two doses

What is Zithromax?

Azithromycin (the generic name for Zithromax) is a widely-used antibiotic medication from the macrolide class of antibiotics, which made significant progress compared to the first generation of antimicrobial drugs. Azithromycin was initially approved by the FDA in 1991. Zithromax works by inhibiting bacteria's protein synthesis, effectively preventing bacterial growth and giving our immune system an upper hand against the infection. It is prescribed for treating various types of infections caused by bacteria, such as respiratory infections, skin infections, ear infections and sexually transmitted diseases. Azithromycin acts primarily on Gram-positive bacteria with lesser effects on Gram-negative bacteria - this selective influence results in it having fewer gastrointestinal side effects than other antibiotics that have stronger impacts across wider spectra of bacteria.

What conditions is Zithromax approved to treat?

Zithromax is approved for the treatment of various types of infections, including:

  • Upper and lower respiratory tract infections
  • Skin and soft tissue infections
  • Genital ulcer disease in men
  • Sexually transmitted diseases caused by Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

How does Zithromax help with these illnesses?

Zithromax, also known as azithromycin, helps to fight bacterial infections by inhibiting the growth of bacteria. It does this by blocking the bacteria's protein synthesis, so their replication process can be stopped for a longer period of time. Proteins play a pivotal role in numerous bacterial processes that are essential for their survival and multiplication such as metabolism, structure formation, and cell division. By disrupting protein production, Zithromax can limit the spread of infection and help patients manage their condition.

On another hand is Biaxin or clarithromycin which works similarly to Zithromax but has slight differences in its spectrum of activity against certain types of bacteria and potential side effects. It too interferes with bacterial protein synthesis but may be preferred in cases where specific strains of bacteria are suspected or have been identified through culture testing. Both these drugs belong to macrolide antibiotics class indicating they function on similar lines yet differ based on individual patient tolerance levels and specific clinical indications.

What is Biaxin?

Biaxin is a brand name for clarithromycin, which belongs to the class of medications known as macrolide antibiotics. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria that can cause infections in your body. Biaxin was first approved by the FDA in 1991 and has been used effectively to treat many different types of bacterial infections including skin and middle ear infections, tonsillitis, throat infections, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia and sinusitis.

As an antibiotic medication distinct from other classes like tetracyclines or fluoroquinolones such as Zithromax (azithromycin), its method of action differs. While both are part of the larger macrolide group and can be used to tackle similar types of infection, their chemical structures differ slightly leading to differences in how they're processed by the body.

Potential side effects do not commonly include issues such as drowsiness or weight gain often associated with certain antidepressants like Prozac but may include upset stomach, diarrhea or changes in taste sensation among others. That said it's important patients understand any potential interactions with existing medications before starting a course.

What conditions is Biaxin approved to treat?

Biaxin is an antibiotic that has been approved by the FDA for treatment of various types of bacterial infections. Some conditions where Biaxin is used include:

  • Sinus and ear infections
  • Pneumonia
  • Skin infections
  • Infections associated with HIV/AIDS

How does Biaxin help with these illnesses?

Biaxin, also known as clarithromycin, is a macrolide antibiotic just like Zithromax (azithromycin), and it blocks bacterial protein synthesis to prevent the bacteria from growing or multiplying. It plays an essential role in treating several types of bacterial infections such as pneumonia, sinusitis, otitis media, and skin infections among others. Biaxin has a broader spectrum of activity when compared with azithromycin and is generally more potent against certain types of bacteria. Moreover, Biaxin tends to have longer-lasting effects due to its extended half-life; this allows the drug's beneficial effects on fighting infection to continue over a more prolonged period after administration ends. However, similar to most antibiotics, it does not discriminate between good and bad bacteria which can sometimes lead to gastrointestinal side-effects such as diarrhea or upset stomach.

How effective are both Zithromax and Biaxin?

Both azithromycin (Zithromax) and clarithromycin (Biaxin) are effective antibiotics, belonging to the macrolide class. These were approved by the FDA in 1991 and 1992 respectively. As they both act on bacterial ribosomes inhibiting protein synthesis, they can be prescribed for similar types of infections. The effectiveness of azithromycin and clarithromycin in treating strep throat was directly compared in a randomized clinical trial; both drugs exhibited comparable efficacy with similar safety profiles.

A meta-analysis from 2005 demonstrated that azithromycin is efficacious as short-term treatment for several common bacterial infections including sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, among others. Its side effect profile is generally mild and includes gastrointestinal disturbances such as nausea or diarrhea. Further studies have established its therapeutic success even in pediatric populations due to its favorable taste when administered orally.

Similarly, a review from 2016 indicated that clarithromycin has been found effective against various respiratory tract infections including acute otitis media and community-acquired pneumonia; it also works well against Helicobacter pylori infection when combined with other medications like proton pump inhibitors and amoxicillin. Nonetheless, an important consideration with Biaxin is its potential interaction with certain other medications due to its metabolism through cytochrome P450 system which might require dose adjustment or close monitoring during therapy.

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At what dose is Zithromax typically prescribed?

Oral dosages of Zithromax for adults typically start at 500 mg on the first day, followed by 250 mg once daily for an additional four days. For children, the dosage is usually 10 mg/kg of body weight on the first day and then 5 mg/kg on days two through five. On the other hand, Biaxin doses are often recommended at 250-500mg twice a day for adults over a course of seven to fourteen days depending upon the condition being treated. Pediatric doses vary widely based on weight and age but generally range from 7.5–15mg/kg every twelve hours not exceeding overall adult dose in any case. As with all medications, it's important to follow your healthcare provider's instructions closely when taking either Zithromax or Biaxin.

At what dose is Biaxin typically prescribed?

Biaxin treatment usually begins with a dosage of 250–500 mg/day, taken orally. The dose can then be increased up to 1000 mg/day, divided into two doses and taken roughly 12 hours apart. The maximum dose for an adult is typically around the 2000 mg/day mark, split into two or four smaller doses throughout the day, but this may vary depending on the specifics of the bacterial infection being treated. If there's no significant response to Biaxin at lower dosages after a few days, your healthcare provider might consider increasing it gradually while monitoring closely for any side effects. Always follow your doctor's instructions when taking antibiotics like Biaxin to ensure that you're using them safely and effectively.

What are the most common side effects for Zithromax?

Potential side effects of Zithromax and Biaxin can include:

  • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
  • Dizziness or headaches
  • Changes in taste or smell
  • Abdominal pain or discomfort
  • Rash or other skin reactions
  • Fatigue (general weakness)
  • Insomnia (difficulty sleeping)
  • Anxiety and nervousness
    -Asthma-like symptoms such as wheezing, tightness in the chest. -Inflammation in the back of the throat (pharyngitis). -Digestive tract issues like dyspepsia (burning sensation, stomach pain). -Vasodilation which might cause a drop in blood pressure. -Uncommonly they may affect sexual health causing decreased libido.

Always consult your healthcare provider if you experience any of these side effects persistently while on either medication.

abstract image of a patient experiencing side effect

Are there any potential serious side effects for Zithromax?

While Zithromax and Biaxin are both antibiotics used to treat bacterial infections, they can have different side effects. Serious adverse reactions with Zithromax may include:

  • Severe allergic reaction: symptoms may include hives or skin rash, difficulty in breathing or swallowing, swelling of the face or throat
  • Liver problems: this could manifest as nausea, upper stomach pain, itching, fatigue, loss of appetite, dark urine and yellowing of your skin or eyes.
  • Irregular heart rhythm (arrhythmia): This can be identified through rapid heartbeats or fluttering in your chest.
  • Nervous system issues: These might show up as dizziness that gives a sensation you might pass out; seizures (convulsions); severe headache with chest pain and severe dizziness.

On the other hand for Biaxin potential serious side effects could include:

  • Allergic reactions including signs like rashes on skin which is red/purple in color accompanied by blistering/peeling; fever & sore throat along with burning eyes.
  • Symptoms related to new infections like flu symptoms (fever,chills,body ache), mouth sores,pneumonia symptoms etc.,

It's important to note that these lists are not exhaustive. If you experience any unsettling symptom while taking either medication consult your healthcare provider immediately.

What are the most common side effects for Biaxin?

Biaxin, also known as clarithromycin, has a range of potential side effects:

  • Gastrointestinal issues like nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain or discomfort and diarrhea
  • Altered taste sensation
  • Headache or dizziness
  • Insomnia or abnormal dreams
  • Rash or changes in skin color
  • General feeling unwell (malaise) Please note that while these are not all the possible side effects of Biaxin, they represent some of the most commonly reported ones. If you experience any severe reactions to this medication such as fast heartbeat, confusion or signs of an allergic reaction (swelling face/lips/tongue), you should seek immediate medical attention.

Are there any potential serious side effects for Biaxin?

While Biaxin is generally well-tolerated, in some cases, it can cause serious side effects. Symptoms that may suggest a significant adverse reaction include:

  • Signs of an allergic reaction or severe skin response: hives; itching; fever; swollen glands; difficulty in breathing; swelling in your face, lips, tongue, or throat
  • Persistent diarrhea with the presence of blood or mucus
  • Irregular heartbeat and chest pain
  • Severe dizziness leading to fainting
  • Confusion and unusual changes in mood
  • Eye problems such as blurred vision paired with a headache.

In case you notice any of these symptoms while taking Biaxin, stop using the drug immediately and consult your healthcare provider right away.

Contraindications for Zithromax and Biaxin?

Both Zithromax and Biaxin, like most other antibiotics, can cause certain adverse reactions in some people. If you notice severe diarrhea or allergic reactions such as hives, difficulty breathing, swelling of your face, lips, tongue or throat after taking these medications please seek immediate medical attention.

Neither Zithromax nor Biaxin should be taken if you are using ergotamine drugs (like Ergomar) or pimozide (Orap). This is because these medicines can interact with Zithromax and Biaxin leading to potentially serious effects. Always tell your physician about all the medications you are currently on; some of them may require a period of clearance from your system to prevent dangerous interactions with either Zithromax or Biaxin.

How much do Zithromax and Biaxin cost?

For the brand-name versions of these drugs:

  • The price for a Zithromax (Azithromycin) "Z-Pak," which includes six 250 mg tablets, averages around $50. Given that the typical treatment course is five days, it works out to about $10 per day.
  • The price of Biaxin (Clarithromycin), in comparison, is generally higher. A pack of 20 tablets (500 mg each) can range from $80 to approximately $130. If you were prescribed two doses daily over a seven-day period, your cost would amount to roughly $5.70–$9.30 per day.

This means that if you're taking these medications as typically prescribed for short-term treatment plans, Biaixin may be less expensive on a per-day basis than Zithromax.

As far as generic options go:

  • Azithromycin is available in packs ranging from 1 tablet up to 30 tablets (250mg or 500mg). Depending on where and how much you purchase at once, costs can start as low as approximately $0.40/day up to around $2/day.
  • Clarithromycin comes in quantities of between 14 and 60 tablets (of either the common strengths - 250mg or 500mg). Depending on dosage and quantity purchased at one time, cost could vary from about $.60/day up towards slightly more than $4/day.

Please keep in mind that while the cost difference between these two antibiotics exists due to various factors such as manufacturing costs & patent status etc., choice of medication should primarily depend upon clinical considerations like indication for use/purpose/efficacy/side-effects/allergies/etc rather than just pricing alone.

Popularity of Zithromax and Biaxin

Azithromycin, commonly known by its brand name Zithromax, is a widely used antibiotic in the United States. In 2020 alone, it was estimated that about 47 million prescriptions for azithromycin were dispensed. Azithromycin accounted for just over 14% of macrolide antibiotics prescribed in the US during this period. The use of this antibiotic has been generally consistent since its introduction to the market.

On the other hand, clarithromycin (brand name Biaxin) had around 2.7 million prescriptions dispensed in the USA in 2020. It represents nearly 4% of macrolide antibiotics prescribed within the same year and has also remained relatively steady in usage over recent years. Both drugs are part of the same family (macrolides), but their usage varies based on specific bacterial infections and patient tolerance towards these medications.


Both Zithromax (azithromycin) and Biaxin (clarithromycin) have solid track records of use in patients with bacterial infections, supported by numerous clinical studies indicating that they are more effective than placebo treatments. They belong to a class of drugs known as macrolide antibiotics. While both drugs work by stopping the growth of bacteria, their mechanism is slightly different: Zithromax works longer and kills bacteria over a lengthier period while Biaxin acts immediately but for a shorter duration.

Occasionally, these two antibiotics might be combined in treatment regimens like eradicating Helicobacter pylori infection which causes stomach ulcers; however, this combination should only be used under careful consideration by a physician due to potential drug interactions.

Both Zithromax and Biaxin come in generic forms providing cost savings especially for patients paying out-of-pocket. Their effects may not be immediate since they must accumulate within the body's tissues before exerting their full bacteriostatic effect.

Side effects between the two drugs are similar including nausea, diarrhea or vomiting being most common for both medications. But there could also be differences based on individual patient health conditions - certain cardiac conditions may contraindicate use of one over another due to risk of heart rhythm disturbances. As always when starting new medication therapy patients must watch closely for any side effects or signs that infection is worsening rather than improving such as increasing fever or development of new symptoms.