Where are all the oncology patients interested in clinical trials?

What you will find in this report

Our report unveils the latest data on where oncology patients seeking clinical trials are located, including:

  • Top 2 states with the highest concentration of potential patients 🌆
  • How close patients are to major oncology sites 🌐
  • Demographic breakdown of patients interested in clinical trials 👥
  • And more!

How we captured this data

Power is a modern clinical trial marketplace where patients access clinical research and trials recruit more patients. For this report, we looked at a sample of over 2,000 oncology profiles on our platform and analyzed where and who are the oncology patients looking for clinical trials.

Our platform's proprietary data on clinical trials and patients allows researchers, healthcare professionals, and sponsors to gain a deeper understanding of the clinical trial landscape and patient demographics. By analyzing this data, stakeholders can identify potential areas for trial recruitment, allocate resources more effectively, and design trials that cater to the specific needs of patients.

This report focuses specifically on oncology patients, and is just a sample of the type of insights this data can uncover.

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