Maalox vs Rolaids

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Maalox Overview

Maalox Details

Rolaids Overview

Rolaids Details

Comparative Analysis

Maalox Prescription Information

Rolaids Prescription Information

Maalox Side Effects

Rolaids Side Effects

Safety Information

Cost Analysis

Market Analysis



For individuals struggling with symptoms of heartburn, indigestion or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), certain over-the-counter medications that neutralize stomach acid can provide rapid relief. Maalox and Rolaids are two such antacids commonly used to treat these conditions. These drugs work by different mechanisms but both aim at reducing the acidity in the stomach thus providing relief from discomfort. Maalox is a combination of magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide, which works by neutralizing gastric acid and increasing the pH of the stomach contents. On the other hand, Rolaids is composed of calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide, it also reduces acidity levels in the stomach but additionally has a gas-relieving effect due to its ability to react with excess acid to produce carbon dioxide gas.

What is Maalox?

Maalox (a combination of magnesium and aluminum hydroxides) was one of the first antacids introduced to manage heartburn and acid reflux. It works by neutralizing stomach acid, thus providing relief from indigestion symptoms. Maalox was approved by the FDA in the mid-20th century and has remained a popular choice for many people suffering from gastrointestinal discomfort.

On the other hand, Rolaids is a blend of calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide designed to counteract heartburn and gas-related symptoms. Like Maalox, it operates by neutralizing stomach acidity but also has an added benefit due to its gas-relieving properties.

Both medications are well-tolerated with minimal side effects; however, their efficiency may vary between individuals based on their specific digestive conditions or dietary habits. Additionally, while both products act quickly to reduce symptoms, they offer only temporary relief compared to more comprehensive treatments available for chronic gastric issues.

What conditions is Maalox approved to treat?

Maalox is approved for the treatment of various discomforts related to the digestive system:

  • Heartburn, also known as acid indigestion
  • Sour stomach and upset stomach related to these issues
  • Gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Stomach or duodenal ulcers.

How does Maalox help with these illnesses?

Maalox works to alleviate symptoms of heartburn, acid indigestion and sour stomach by neutralizing gastric acidity. It accomplishes this through the active ingredients aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide which are both antacids. Antacids work by raising the pH level in your stomach, thereby reducing its overall acidity. Lowering the acidity in your stomach helps relieve discomfort caused by overproduction of acid such as heartburn or indigestion.

Similarly to Maalox, Rolaids also serves to reduce symptoms related to overproduction of stomach acid but utilizes a different combination of active ingredients: calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide. Both these substances function as antacids that increase the pH levels within your digestive tract; however, calcium carbonate additionally can supplement dietary calcium if needed - an advantage for those with low dietary intake or increased bodily demand for this mineral.

While both medications serve similar purposes and have comparable effects on alleviating gastrointestinal distress caused by excess acidity, it's important for patients to choose based on their specific needs including any potential need for supplemental calcium provided by Rolaids.

What is Rolaids?

Rolaids is a popular antacid brand that belongs to the class of medications known as antacids and acid reducers, which function by neutralizing excess stomach acid. It contains two active ingredients: calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide, both working in harmony to relieve symptoms such as heartburn and indigestion. Rolaids was first introduced to the market in 1954.

Unlike Maalox, Rolaids does not contain aluminum hydroxide, thus reducing potential side effects related to aluminum like constipation. What's more, its dual-ingredient formula can be beneficial for patients who require a balanced effect on acid reduction without causing an overly alkaline environment in the stomach.

Common mild side effects associated with Rolaids include belching or gas; however, serious side effects are rare when taken at recommended doses.

What conditions is Rolaids approved to treat?

Rolaids is an over-the-counter medication that's approved for the treatment of:

  • Heartburn, which can be caused by a variety of triggers including certain foods and beverages
  • Acid indigestion, often resulting from overeating or eating too quickly
  • Sour stomach associated with these conditions. It works to neutralize acid in the stomach providing quick relief.

How does Rolaids help with these illnesses?

Rolaids, like Maalox, is a type of antacid that works by neutralizing stomach acid and thereby reducing heartburn and indigestion symptoms. It contains both calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide to effectively control acid levels in the stomach. Some individuals may prefer Rolaids over other antacids due to its dual-acting components which tend to provide quicker relief from discomfort. Furthermore, Rolaids has been associated with fewer side effects than some alternatives such as Maalox; it does not contain aluminum, an element sometimes implicated in causing constipation or even kidney problems with long-term use. This makes Rolaids a preferred choice for those who frequently suffer from digestive upset but are seeking safe, effective relief.

How effective are both Maalox and Rolaids?

Both Maalox and Rolaids have been trusted over-the-counter remedies for heartburn, acid indigestion, and gas-related discomfort for decades. They were both introduced to the market in the mid-20th century with only a few years difference between them. As antacids, they neutralize stomach acid through their active ingredients - Maalox containing magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide; Rolaids incorporating calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide.

Direct comparisons of these two remedies are limited but generally indicate similar efficacy in managing mild to moderate symptoms of heartburn or indigestion. However, some patients may experience different outcomes due to individual factors like health status or severity of symptoms.

A 1981 study on antacid suspensions demonstrated that formulations like Maalox can start acting against acidity within minutes of ingestion, providing rapid relief from symptoms. This quick action coupled with its tolerability makes it a popular choice among many individuals suffering from occasional bouts of digestive distress.

While reviews specific to Rolaids' performance are less abundant than those available for Maalox, this medication's longstanding presence in pharmacies across North America attests to its effectiveness as an antacid treatment option. Its dual-action formula not only helps neutralize stomach acid but also turns it into water and other natural substances your body can absorb easily - offering potential added benefits compared to single-action alternatives.

Significant research on these drugs involves their use as part of self-care strategies for minor digestive issues rather than chronic conditions needing medical supervision - so data confirming their long-term safety profiles is more anecdotal than clinical by nature. Nonetheless, given their unique compositions and modes-of-action, either could be an optimal treatment depending on patient preferences or needs such as taste preference or required speed-of-relief.

abstract image of a researcher studying a bottle of drug.

At what dose is Maalox typically prescribed?

Oral doses of Maalox are typically 10-20 mL or 2-4 chewable tablets every hour as symptoms occur, while not exceeding 12 doses in a 24-hour period. However, for most people suffering from heartburn or indigestion, a single dose of Maalox is usually sufficient to provide relief. In contrast, the dosage for Rolaids is two to four tablets after meals and at bedtime, but studies have indicated that often two tablets are enough to treat acid indigestion and heartburn effectively. Dosage can be adjusted based on individual requirements; however, you should not exceed more than seven doses in a day unless directed by your doctor.

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At what dose is Rolaids typically prescribed?

Rolaids treatment generally starts at a dosage of 2-4 tablets chewed and swallowed at the onset of symptoms. If needed, additional doses can be taken every hour while symptoms persist or as directed by a doctor. Individuals should not take more than 12 tablets for adults (6 tablets for children under 12) in a 24-hour period. The dosages are spaced out to effectively neutralize acid and provide relief from heartburn and indigestion throughout the day. Extended use beyond symptom persistence should only be done under medical advisement as it may indicate a more serious condition needing further investigation.

What are the most common side effects for Maalox?

Common side effects of Maalox may include:

  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Stomach cramps
  • Dry mouth
  • Increased thirst
  • Frequent urination, loss of appetite
  • Headache
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness

While Rolaids users might experience:

  • Constipation (though diarrhea can also occur)
  • Belching and gas -Sweet or chalky taste in the mouth.

Remember that if these symptoms persist over time or become very bothersome, seek medical attention as there could be an underlying issue at play.

abstract image of a patient experiencing side effect

Are there any potential serious side effects for Maalox?

While Maalox and Rolaids are both effective antacids, they can cause different side effects in rare cases. Here's what you should watch out for:

  • Signs of allergic reaction: hives, difficulty breathing, swelling in your face or throat
  • Signs of kidney problems: little or no urination; painful or difficult urination; swelling in your feet or ankles; feeling tired or short of breath
  • High levels of magnesium in your blood - nausea, vomiting, dizziness, confusion
  • Low calcium levels - muscle spasms or contractions, numbness or tingly feeling (around mouth area), slow heart rate
  • Ongoing diarrhea with watery stools.

If you experience any severe side effects after taking either Maalox or Rolaids that last longer than a few days despite discontinuing use and drinking plenty of fluids to stay hydrated while recovering from the upset stomach these products aim to treat—you should consult a healthcare provider immediately.

What are the most common side effects for Rolaids?

Rolaids, an over-the-counter antacid, can potentially cause side effects such as:

  • Dry mouth or increased thirst
  • Constipation or stomach cramps
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Bone pain, muscle weakness
  • Altered taste sensation
  • Headache
  • Increased urination and possibly kidney complications with excessive use.

It's important to note that these symptoms are not common and usually mild when they do occur. However, persistent adverse reactions should prompt a consultation with your healthcare provider.

Are there any potential serious side effects for Rolaids?

Though Rolaids is commonly used to treat heartburn, upset stomach, and acid indigestion, it's important to be aware of potential serious side effects. If you observe any of the following symptoms after taking Rolaids, seek medical attention immediately:

  • An allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue or throat.
  • Constipation that lasts longer than 7 days
  • Diarrhea that is severe or continues
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Vomiting material that looks like coffee grounds
  • Severe stomach pain
    Remember always consult a healthcare professional before starting any new medication regimen.

Contraindications for Maalox and Rolaids?

Both Maalox and Rolaids, like most over-the-counter antacids, may cause side effects such as constipation or diarrhea in some individuals. If you notice persistent stomach discomfort or changes in bowel movements after taking these medications, please consult your healthcare provider.

Neither Maalox nor Rolaids should be taken if you are currently on certain prescription drugs like tetracyclines or fluoroquinolones without consulting your doctor first; the ingredients in these antacids can interfere with how these antibiotics work. Always inform your healthcare provider about all the medicines you're taking; there needs to be a sufficient gap between taking these antibiotics and Maalox or Rolaids to prevent harmful interactions.

How much do Maalox and Rolaids cost?

For the brand name versions of these drugs:

  • The price of 12 ounces (355 ml) of Maalox Advanced Maximum Strength Antacid & Antigas averages around $6, which works out to about $0.50/day if you follow the recommended dose (up to two tablespoons or 30ml up to four times a day).
  • In comparison, a bottle containing 60 tablets of Rolaids Extra Strength costs approximately $5. This equates to less than $0.20 per day based on the suggested dosage for adults and children over 12 years old (2-4 tablets every hour as symptoms occur).

Thus, when comparing cost per daily treatment basis, Rolaids would be more economical than Maalox under normal usage conditions.

On a similar note, store-brand generic versions may offer comparable relief at potentially lower prices:

  • A store-brand antacid liquid matching Maalox's active ingredients may range in price from $3-$5 for a comparable volume.
  • Similarly, generic calcium carbonate antacids akin to Rolaids can be found for roughly the same price or slightly cheaper.

However, remember that cost should not be your only consideration when choosing an over-the-counter medication - effectiveness and tolerance are also important factors.

Popularity of Maalox and Rolaids

Maalox, in both generic form and brand name, was estimated to have been chosen by about 3.2 million people in the US for over-the-counter relief of acid reflux symptoms in 2020. Maalox accounted for just over 11% of antacid choices amongst American consumers. Not classified as an H2 blocker or a proton pump inhibitor (other broad classes of antacids), it works instead by physically neutralizing stomach acid on contact.

Rolaids, including its branded versions, were used by roughly 2 million people in America during the same period. In terms of overall usage in the United States, Rolaids accounts for approximately 7% of OTC antacid selections made by consumers at pharmacies nationwide. The prevalence rate has remained largely consistent throughout the past decade without any significant fluctuations.


Both Maalox and Rolaids have long-standing records of usage in patients with heartburn, sour stomach, acid indigestion, and as a buffer for gastric acid. They are backed by numerous clinical studies indicating that they provide more effective relief than placebo treatments. Both medications neutralize the gastric acid that causes discomfort but do so through slightly different mechanisms of action.

Maalox combines magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide to balance their individual effects - magnesium tends to cause diarrhea while aluminum can lead to constipation. Rolaids, on the other hand, contains calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide without any component contributing to constipation.

Both antacids are available over-the-counter which represents significant convenience especially for those who need immediate relief from symptoms. The onset of effect is generally fast for both drugs, meaning you should start feeling better shortly after taking them.

The side-effect profile is similar between these two antacids; however some people might experience changes in bowel movements due to the differing ingredients. As with all medication use, if symptoms persist or worsen despite treatment it's important to seek medical help immediately as this could indicate a more serious underlying condition.