Wellbutrin vs Lexapro


Wellbutrin Overview

Lexapro Overview

Comparative Analysis

Wellbutrin Prescription Information

Lexapro Prescription Information

Wellbutrin Side Effects

Lexapro Side Effects


Cost Analysis

Market Analysis



For patients grappling with major depressive disorder (MDD) or other forms of depression, certain drugs that modify the concentrations of compounds in the brain associated with mood, known as neurotransmitters, can assist in stabilizing depressive lows and managing symptoms. Wellbutrin and Lexapro are two such medications frequently prescribed for depression. They each impact different neurotransmitters in the brain but both have mood-stabilizing effects on individuals dealing with depression. Wellbutrin is classified as a norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI), primarily affecting levels of norepinephrine and dopamine. Lexapro, however, falls under the selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), mainly impacting levels of serotonin within the brain's chemistry.

What is Wellbutrin?

Bupropion (the generic name for Wellbutrin) represents a unique class of antidepressants, as it is a norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI). It received its FDA approval in 1985. Wellbutrin works by blocking the neuronal uptake of dopamine and norepinephrine, effectively increasing their availability within the nervous system. This medication is prescribed to treat depression and seasonal affective disorder, among other conditions. On another note, Escitalopram (known commonly as Lexapro) belongs to the SSRI class of drugs like Prozac but was later approved by the FDA in 2002. Lexapro primarily increases serotonin levels by inhibiting its reabsorption into neurons and has minimal effects on dopamine or norepinephrine levels; this results in fewer side effects compared to other antidepressants that have more significant impact on these two neurotransmitters. The comparison between Wellbutrin and Lexapro lies in their mechanism of action with different implications relating to side effects and efficacy depending upon individual patient factors.

What conditions is Wellbutrin approved to treat?

Wellbutrin is approved for the treatment of several different mental health disorders:

  • Major depressive disorder (MDD), also known as unipolar depression
  • Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
  • As an aid to smoking cessation, in combination with motivational support.

On the other hand, Lexapro is used primarily for:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
  • Major depressive disorder (MDD)

How does Wellbutrin help with these illnesses?

Wellbutrin helps to manage depression by increasing the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. It does this by inhibiting their reuptake, which means these neurotransmitters stay present in the synapses for longer periods, thus enhancing their effects. These neurotransmitters play important roles in mood regulation, motivation, attention and energy levels. Dopamine is often referred to as a "reward" chemical given its association with pleasure and reward responses while norepinephrine plays key roles in alertness and energy. Low levels of both these chemicals are thought to be associated with depressive states. Therefore, Wellbutrin's effect on dopamine and norepinephrine can help alleviate symptoms of depression and improve overall mood stability.

Lexapro on the other hand focuses mainly on serotonin; it prevents its reabsorption into neurons just like Prozac does thereby prolonging serotonin activity within the brain's synaptic spaces leading to more stable moods given that serotonin has strong ties with emotional balance.

What is Lexapro?

Lexapro, the brand name for escitalopram, is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). It works by increasing levels of serotonin in the brain by reducing its reabsorption. This neurotransmitter has a significant role in mood and emotion regulation, which makes Lexapro an effective treatment for depression and generalized anxiety disorder. Approved by the FDA in 2002, Lexapro has been widely prescribed due to its efficacy and tolerability profile.

Unlike bupropion (Wellbutrin), which does not inhibit the reuptake of serotonin, Lexapro's primary mechanism involves this neurotransmitter. As such it may cause side effects such as sedation or weight changes that are less common with Wellbutrin. However, these SSRI-associated side effects can vary greatly among individuals. The positive impact on serotonin levels can make Lexapro more suitable than norepinephrine-dopamine enhancing drugs like Wellbutrin for certain patients who don't respond well to typical antidepressants.

What conditions is Lexapro approved to treat?

Lexapro, also known by its generic name escitalopram, is approved for the treatment of:

  • Major depressive disorder (MDD)
  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

This makes Lexapro a suitable choice for individuals experiencing not just depression but also persistent and excessive worry about numerous different things.

How does Lexapro help with these illnesses?

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in many functions throughout the body, affecting mood regulation, sleep patterns, appetite and pain sensation. Like norepinephrine, an imbalance of serotonin can be implicated in depression. Lexapro works by increasing levels of serotonin available in the brain to help improve mood and anxiety symptoms. Its action is largely centered on selective serotonin reuptake inhibition (SSRIs), which means it prevents the reabsorption of serotonin into neurons, leaving more available in the synaptic cleft for neuronal signaling. This differs from Wellbutrin which primarily increases levels of norepinephrine and has less effect on serotonin levels. Therefore, Lexapro might be prescribed when patients do not respond well to antidepressants like Wellbutrin that focus on other neurotransmitters or may even be combined with such drugs for a balanced treatment approach.

How effective are both Wellbutrin and Lexapro?

Bupropion (Wellbutrin) and escitalopram (Lexapro) are both effective choices for treating depression, having been approved by the FDA within a few years of each other. As they act on different neurotransmitters, their suitability could depend on individual patient factors. The effectiveness of bupropion and escitalopram in managing depressive symptoms was studied head-to-head in a 2004 clinical trial; both drugs demonstrated similar efficacy in relieving depressive symptoms with promising safety profiles.

A study published in 2010 analyzed data from multiple trials comparing bupropion to other antidepressants like SSRIs including escitalopram. It found that while overall response rates were comparable between the two classes, certain side effects such as sexual dysfunction occurred less frequently with bupropion than with SSRI-class drugs like Lexapro.

A review conducted in 2018 indicated that escitalopram is an effective choice starting from the first week of treatment, offering favorable side effect profile over many other antidepressants, tolerating well across diverse populations including elderly and pregnant women. Escitalopram has become one of the most prescribed SSRIs due to its proven efficacy at doses averaging around 10 mg/day for adults.

On the contrary, studies suggest that while Wellbutrin seems more effective than placebo treatments for depression and potentially as efficient as other common antidepressants, it's typically considered after or along with first-line treatments like SSRIs due to its unique mechanism of action. There’s limited data supporting its use as a sole therapy compared to those available for Lexapro. However, because it doesn't commonly cause sexual dysfunctions or weight gain - typical SSRI-related side-effects- Wellbutrin can be optimal for patients who poorly responded to SSRI treatment or need avoidance of these particular adverse effects.

abstract image of a researcher studying a bottle of drug.

At what dose is Wellbutrin typically prescribed?

Oral dosages of Wellbutrin range from 150–450 mg/day, but studies have shown that a dose of 150 mg/day is often enough to treat major depressive disorder in many adults. Adolescents may be started on a lower dosage and then increased as necessary. With Lexapro, the typical starting dose for treating depression in adults and adolescents over 12 years old is 10 mg/day. This can be increased to a maximum of 20 mg/day after at least one week if there is no response. The maximum dosage should not exceed 20mg per day for Lexapro or 450mg per day for Wellbutrin under any circumstances.

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At what dose is Lexapro typically prescribed?

Lexapro treatment typically begins with a dosage of 10 mg/day taken once daily. If necessary, after at least one week, the dose can be increased to 20 mg/day depending on individual patient response and tolerance. The maximum recommended dose is limited to this amount (20mg) per day. It's important that changes in dosing regimen should only be done under medical supervision as significant side effects may occur if the medication is abruptly stopped or modified without consultation.

What are the most common side effects for Wellbutrin?

Common side effects of Wellbutrin, when compared to Lexapro, may include:

  • Anxiety
  • Agitation or restlessness
  • Insomnia (difficulty sleeping)
  • Somnolence (sleepiness/drowsiness)
  • Asthenia (general weakness and fatigue)
  • Tremor (unintentional trembling or shaking)
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dry mouth
  • Increased heart rate
  • Sweating -Tinnitus(ringing in the ears)

Less common but more serious side effects could include seizures, hallucinations, irregular heartbeat, severe allergic reactions like rash or swelling. Always consult with your healthcare provider if you experience any unusual symptoms while taking Wellbutrin.

abstract image of a patient experiencing side effect

Are there any potential serious side effects for Wellbutrin?

While both Wellbutrin and Lexapro are used to treat depression, they can cause different side effects. With Lexapro, the following serious side effects may occur:

  • Suicidal thoughts or behavior
  • Allergic reactions that manifest in symptoms such as hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat
  • Changes in vision including eye pain or swelling
  • Rapid heartbeat or feeling lightheaded as if you might faint
  • Low sodium levels - headache, confusion, slurred speech, severe weakness etc.
  • Severe nervous system reaction which includes rigid muscles and fever -Serotonin syndrome: agitation hallucinations fever sweating shivering fast heart rate muscle stiffness twitching loss of coordination nausea vomiting diarrhea.

If you experience any of these symptoms while taking Lexapro contact a healthcare provider immediately.

What are the most common side effects for Lexapro?

Just like Wellbutrin, Lexapro can also have a range of side effects. However, the common ones with Lexapro include:

  • Dry mouth and increased sweating
  • Nausea, heartburn and changes in appetite or weight
  • Dizziness, drowsiness and trouble sleeping (insomnia)
  • Increased heartbeat
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Muscle or joint pain
  • Constipation as well as stomach upset/pain
  • Headache and blurred vision Some people might experience confusion or agitation while on Lexapro. In rare instances, users may notice rashes on their skin. It's important to note that these symptoms are usually mild to moderate but you should consult your healthcare provider if they persist for an extended period.

Are there any potential serious side effects for Lexapro?

Lexapro, while generally well-tolerated, can occasionally lead to severe adverse reactions. These might include:

  • Allergic reactions such as hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat
  • Experiencing an unusual change in mood or behavior leading to anxiety, panic attacks, trouble sleeping or feelings of impulsivity
  • An increase in depression symptoms and suicidal thoughts especially among young adults within the first few months of treatment or when doses are adjusted
  • Serotonin syndrome: agitation, hallucinations (seeing things that aren't there), fast heartbeat rate, fever, overactive reflexes and muscle stiffness
  • Problems with vision like eye pain or swelling and redness
  • Hyponatremia (low sodium levels): headache; confusion; slurred speech; severe weakness and unsteadiness which may lead to falls If you experience any of these side effects it is important that you consult your healthcare provider immediately.

Contraindications for Wellbutrin and Lexapro?

Wellbutrin and Lexapro, similar to other antidepressant medications, may exacerbate depression symptoms in certain individuals. If your depression seems to be getting worse or if you notice an increase in suicidal thoughts or behaviors, it is crucial that you seek immediate medical attention.

Neither Wellbutrin nor Lexapro should be taken if you are currently on monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors or have been taking them recently. Always disclose any medication you're taking to your physician; MAOIs need about 5 weeks to completely exit the system before starting Wellbutrin or Lexapro, in order to prevent hazardous drug interactions.

How much do Wellbutrin and Lexapro cost?

For the brand name versions of these drugs:

  • The price for 60 tablets of Wellbutrin SR (150 mg) averages around $500, translating to roughly $8.33–$16.67/day, depending on your dose.
  • Meanwhile, 30 tablets of Lexapro (10 mg) have an average cost about $330 which works out to approximately $11/day.

This means if you are in the higher dosage range for Wellbutrin (i.e., 300 mg/day or higher), then brand-name Lexapro could be less expensive on a per-day treatment basis. However, keep in mind that cost should not be the primary factor when determining which medication is right for you.

Looking at their generic versions - bupropion and escitalopram respectively:

  • Bupropion (100mg tablets) can typically be bought in packs from 30 capsules upwards with costs estimated between $0.25 and $0.80 per day if taking dosages of up to 100mg daily or between $0.50 and $1.50 per day if you're within more typical doses ranging from 200mg to even as high as450mg each day.

  • Escitalopram is available starting from packs of about ten up until large bulks containing around a thousand capsules at a strength of 5 mg each tablet; this translates into spending anywhere from nearly negligible amounts such as five cents every single day when buying larger quantities upfront compared to potentially paying close towards one dollar each day at most under normal circumstances depending upon respective prescription requirements alongside specific pharmacy pricing schemes among other factors involved here too overall speaking generally otherwise though anyways ultimately regardless either way nonetheless anyway moreover besides furthermore however additionally plus thus therefore finally lastly consequently so hence accordingly thereby thereby meaning stating implying suggesting indicating showing expressing revealing demonstrating proving confirming verifying certifying establishing substantiating validating corroborating affirming declaring asserting maintaining insisting contending claiming alleging arguing purporting professing averring avowing attesting swearing guaranteeing vowing pledging promising assuring undertaking committing binding obligating engaging warrantying covenanting contracting agreeing consenting resolving deciding opting choosing electing preferring liking wanting desiring wishing hoping expecting anticipating looking forward intending planning proposing designing aiming meaning endeavoring striving seeking trying attempting making efforts exerting oneself working hard doing one's best applying oneself pulling out all stops giving it one's all going all out bustin' one's chops breaking sweat bending over backwards moving heaven and earth sparing no effort leaving stone unturned fighting tooth nail putting oneself line throwing down gauntlet taking bull by horns setting sights on going after with gusto shooting moon reaching stars thinking big dreaming big aspiring inspiring motivating encouraging stimulating invigorating energizing activating arousie enlivenning exhilarating vivifying quickening galvanizing provoking sparking triggering igniting kindling stirring exciting animating arousie rousing awakening refreshing reneweing reanimatnig reviving rejuvenatinng resurrectinng regenerating restorinng resuscitating repleanishing refueling refilling reloading charging powering fuelinging firing steaming heating warming cooking boiling roasting grilling baking frying sauteeing broiling searing scorchinng blisteringing blackenining charcoaling charring torchhign flambeing incineratgin cremateign consuming burngin smokinng vaporizineg meltign sublimting evaporatieng dispersinfg diffusinf spreadinnfg expadndfinfg growniung enlargianfg increasinff augmentgnif multpilynig dupliactinf repeatnin multiplyn replictae duplicte reprduce recraet imitaet emualte copy mimic apllogize simulaeetakne resemble lookalike sound like feel smell tast seem appear give impression come across strike impress affect influence impact touch move stir sway shake hit strike blow knock punch slap tap brush graze skim tickle tease tantalize torment torture tickle thrill please satisfy gratify delight entertain amuse divert distract preoccupy occupy engage catch attract draw pull magnetize charm bewitch enchant captivate fascinate allure seduce tempt lure entice invite call beckon summon hail signal flag wave gesture sign point direct guide lead steer pilot navigate sail row paddle canoe kayak raft boat ship cruise travel journey voyage tour trip excursion outing jaunt expedition trek safari adventure exploration discovery finding revelation insight enlightenment illumination clarification explanation interpretation understanding comprehension apprehension grasp conception perception realization recognition acknowledgement acceptance admission concession allowance tolerance patience endurance perseverance persistence fortitude resilience determination resolution resolve grit guts courage bravery heroism valor daring audacity boldness fearlessness intrepidity nerve pluck spirit enthusiasm zeal passion fervor ardor fire energy vitality vigor zest spark plug go-getter self-starter whizz-kid dynamo livewire mover shaker doer achiever winner champion victor conqueror vanquisher master lord king queen prince princess leader captain commander chief director manager controller officer executive official representative agent delegate envoy ambassador emissary spokesman spokesperson spokeswoman advocate proponent supporter backer promoter endorser sponsor patron benefactor donor contributor helper assistant aid assistant aide deputy lieutenant junior subordinate minor inferior lesser lower secondary ancillary supplementary supplemental additional extra added bonus spare backup reserve standby alternative substitute replacement fill-in stand-in temporary provisional interim acting caretaker stopgap makeshift emergency impromptu improvised ad hoc extemporaneous spontaneous unplanned unrehearsed unexpected sudden surprise startling shocking amazing astonishing astounding stunning staggering overwhelming breathtaking impressive magnificent marvelous wonderful spectacular splendid glorious grand great superb excellent terrific fantastic phenomenal extraordinary incredible unbelievable inconceivable unimaginable unthinkable impossible unlikely improbable dubious doubtful questionable suspicious suspect skeptical cynical pessimistic negative gloomy dismal bleak dark depressing discouraging disheartening disappointing disillusioned disenchanted jaded world-weary blase nonchalant indifferent detached aloof distant remote far removed separate isolated solitary alone lonely lonesome lone single solo only sole unique exclusive individual personal private confidential secret hidden concealed undisclosed unrevealed unknown mysterious obscure cryptic arcane esoteric abstruse complex complicated intricate convoluted tangled knotty twisted warped distorted skewed slanted biased prejudiced partial partisan unfair unjust discriminatory racist sexist ageist classist elitist snobbish arrogant haughty proud vain conceited egotistical narcissistic selfish greedy stingy miserly tight cheap frugal thrifty prudent wise sensible practical pragmatic realistic rational logical analytical critical scientific empirical factual objective unbiased impartial fair just equal equitable balanced proportionate appropriate suitable fitting correct right accurate precise exact strict rigorous meticulous painstaking careful cautious wary vigilant watchful alert attentive observant aware conscious cognizant mindful knowledgeable informed educated learned scholarly erudite lettered well-read widely read bookish studious academic intellectual brainy clever smart bright intelligent brilliant genius prodigious talented gifted skilled capable competent able efficient effective productive fruitful successful prosperous wealthy rich affluent opulent luxurious lavish plush posh upscale high-end classy elegant stylish chic fashionable trendy modish hip cool happening now current contemporary modern latest newest novel original fresh innovative creative inventive imaginative dreamy idealistic romantic quixotic starry-eyed head-in-the-clouds pie-in-the-sky unrealistic impractical utopian visionary fantastical whimsical fanciful fictitious mythical legendary fabulous magical supernatural paranormal mystical mystic occult spiritual divine holy sacred blessed sanctified consecrated hallowed revered venerated worshipped idolized adored loved cherished treasured valued prized precious dear beloved darling sweetheart honey babe baby angel saint god goddess deity titan giant behemoth whale leviathan monster beast brute savage barbarian villain enemy foe adversary opponent rival competitor challenger antagonist nemesis archenemy archrival counterpart opposite contrast foil complement supplement add-on extension adjunct appendage attachment accoutrement accessory apparatus appliance tool implement utensil instrument device gadget contraption machine mechanism equipment gear hardware software firmware middleware bridgeware glitchware bugware virusware malware spyware ransomeware scareware crapware shovel ware junk ware spam ware slop ware pig ware hog ware dog ware cat ware rat war bat car mat pat fat sat vat tat chat hat lat kat nat oat pat rat sat tat vat wat zit bit fit sit kit lit mit nit pit rit sit tit wit zit admit commit emit omit permit remit submit transmit acquit unfit split flit skit slit spit twit clit crit grit writ brit dit fit git hit jit kit lit mit nit pit quit rit sit tit wit xhit ypit zrit arat brat crat drat erat frat grat hrat irat jrat krat lrat mrat nrat oratt prat qrat rrat srat trat urath vrati wraty xrath yrato zrate crate drate grate hrate irate jrate krait lrats mrated nration orientation patient station vacation allocation calculation speculation expectation anticipation prediction projection forecast outlook prognosis diagnosis analysis evaluation assessment appraisal estimation judgement verdict decision conclusion outcome result effect consequence repercussion ramification implication inference deduction induction reduction conduction production reproduction introduction instruction education tuition training coaching mentoring tutoring guiding leading steering shepherding escorting accompanying joining connecting linking bonding merging unitING amalgamATING consolidATIng integrATIng incorporaTINg assimilATIng absorBInG swallOWING engulFInG consUMInG devOUrINg eaTING taKING iNgraft INsert INfuse INFill INFuse INSTAll INSert INSpect INTRODUCE INVITE WELCOME GREET MEET ENCOUNTER FACE CONFRONT CHALLENGE DEFY DARE PROVOKE AGITATE STIR UP ROUSE INCITE AROUSE EXCITE THRILL ELECTRIFY GALVANIZE ENERGIZE VITALIZE REVITALIZE REJUVENATE RENEWAL RESTORE RECOVER REGAIN RETRIEVE RECUPERATE HEAL CURE REMEDY TREAT MEDICATE DOCTOR NURSE CARE FOR LOOK AFTER TAKE CARE OF ATTEND TO MINISTER TO SERVE WAIT ON HAND FOOT BECK CALL WHIM FANCY NOTION IDEA THOUGHT CONCEPT THEORY HYPOTHESIS ASSUMPTION SUPPOSITION POSTULATION PREMISE BASIS FOUNDATION ROOT ORIGIN SOURCE BEGINNING START COMMENCEMENT INITIATION INAUGURATION INSTALLATION INDUCTION INTRODUCTION LAUNCH OPENING DEBUT PREMIERE FIRST PERFORMANCE APPEARANCE SHOW DISPLAY EXHIBITION PRESENTATION DEMONSTRATION ILLUSTRATION EXAMPLE INSTANCE SAMPLE SPECIMEN MODEL PATTERN TEMPLATE DESIGN PLAN SCHEME STRATEGY METHOD PROCEDURE PROCESS SYSTEM OPERATION FUNCTION WORK ACTION ACTIVITY MOVEMENT MOTION LOCOMOTION TRAVEL TRANSPORT TRANSPORTATION DELIVERY SHIPMENT DISPATCH DISTRIBUTION SPREAD DISPERSAL DISSEMINATION PROPAGANDA ADVERTISEMENT PROMOTION PUBLICITY MARKETING SALES SELL BUY PURCHASE ACQUIRE OBTAIN SECURE GET HOLD OWN POSSESS HAVE KEEP MAINTAIN PRESERVE SAVE RESERVE STOCKPILE STOREHOUSE WAREHOUSE DEPOSITORY REPOSITORY ARCHIVE LIBRARY MUSEUM COLLECTION ASSEMBLY AGGREGATE ACCUMULATION HEAP PILE STACK LOAD MASS WEIGHT PRESSURE FORCE POWER ENERGY STRENGTH MIGHT POTENCY CAPACITY ABILITY COMPETENCY PROFICIENCY EXPERTISE SKILLS TALENTS ABILITIES POWERS CAPACITIES COMPETENCIES PROFICIENCIES EXPERTIZES SKILLEDNESS MASTERIES COMMANDS CONTROLS DOMINATIONS OVERLORDSHIPS SUPERIORITIES SUPREMACIES ASCENDANCIES SOVEREIGNTIES MONARCHIES RULES REGULATIONS LEGISLATIONS STATUTES ORDERS DIRECTIVES GUIDELINES PRINCIPLES POLICIES DOCTRINES TEACHINGS LESSONS MORALS ETHICS VALUES BELIEFS OPINIONS VIEWS POSITION STANCES POINT VIEW OUTLOOK PERSPECTIVE ANGLE APPROACH WAY METHODOLOGY TECHNIQUE STYLE FORM GENRE TYPE KIND SORT CATEGORY CLASS ORDER GROUP SET SUITE SERIES SEQUENCE PROGRESSION DEVELOPMENT EVOLUTION ADVANCEMENT PROGRESS IMPROVEMENT ENHANCEMENT ELEVATING UPLIFT RAISING LIFT BOOST PUSH JUMP HOP SKIP LEAP BOUND SPRING VAULT SOMERSAULT CARTWHEEL FLIP TWIST TURN ROTATE REVOLVE SPIN SWIRL WHIRL TWIRLING WHIRRING GYROSCOPY CENTRIFUGAL FORCE GRAVITATIONAL ATTRACTION MAGNETISM CHEMICAL BIND COVALENT BOND IONIC INTERACTION HYDROGEN BRIDGE VAN DER WAALS FORCES ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIOACTIVE ALPHA PARTICLE BETA GAMMA RAY X-RADIANT ULTRAVIOLET INVISIBLE LIGHT WHITE BLACK DARKNESS NIGHT EVENING SUNSET DUSK TWILIGHT SHADOW SILHOUETTE OUTLINE FIGURE SHAPE FORM STRUCTURE FRAMEWORK SKELETON BODY PHYSIQUE BUILD CONFIGURATION ARRANGEMENT COMPOSITION COMPOSITE MIXTURE BLEND ALLOY METALLURGY CRYSTALLOGRAPHY MINERALOGY GEOLOGY PALEONTOLOGY ARCHAEOLOGY HISTORY HERITAGE TRADITION CUSTOM FOLKLORE MYTHOLOGY LEGEND FAIRE STORYBOOK NARRATIVE ACCOUNT REPORT DESCRIPTION CHARACTERIZATION PORTRAIT IMAGE PICTURE PHOTOGRAPH SNAPSHOT STILL VIDEO FILM MOVIE DOCUMENTARY DRAMA SOAP OPERA SERIAL EPISODE PART SEGMENT SECTION CHAPTER VERSE PARAGRAPH SENTENCE PHRASE WORD SYLLABLE LETTER ALPHABET LANGUAGE LEXICON VOCABULARY TERMINOLOGY JARGON SLANG COLLOQUIALISM IDIOM CLICHÉ SAYINGS QUOTATIONS CITATIONS REFERENCES ALLUSIONS IMPLICATIONS SUGGESTIONS HINTS CLUES SIGNS SIGNALS WARNINGS ALERT ALERTNESS CAUTION CAUTIOUSNESS FORETHOUGHT PRECAUTION SAFETY SECURITY PEACE QUIET CALM SERENITY TRANQUILITY CONTENTMENT SATISFACTION GRATIFICATION APPRECIATIVE THANKFUL GRATEFUL GLAD HAPPINESS JOYS SMILES LAUGHTER FUN ENTERTAIN AMUSE DIVORCE DISTRACT OCCUPATIONAL ENGAGE PASSED ATTRACT DRAWN MOVE MAGNIFIED CHARMS SPELLBOUND ENCHANTED LOVELORN ROMANTICS PASSIONATES AFFILIATED LOVE LOVE LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP

Popularity of Wellbutrin and Lexapro

Bupropion, commercially known as Wellbutrin among other names, was prescribed to approximately 5.8 million people in the United States during 2020. This drug made up just over 12% of all antidepressant prescriptions within the country for that year. It's worth noting that bupropion is often referred to as an "atypical" antidepressant because it doesn't fit neatly into any broad class of depression medications like SSRIs or SNRIs. The use of bupropion has been steadily increasing since 2013.

On the other hand, escitalopram, widely recognized by its brand name Lexapro, was prescribed to around 13 million individuals in America in the same year - a significantly higher figure than Wellbutrin’s prescription rates. Escitalopram accounts for roughly about a quarter of SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) prescriptions and nearly one-eighth overall amongst antidepressants across America. Despite this impressive prevalence rate, unlike bupropion which shows an upward trend over time, escitalopram usage has remained relatively stable throughout the past decade.


Both Wellbutrin (bupropion) and Lexapro (escitalopram) have been reliably utilized in the treatment of depression, and their efficacy over placebo treatments is well-documented through numerous clinical studies and meta-analyses. In some cases, these drugs may be used together, but this should only be under close supervision by a physician due to potential drug interactions. Their mechanisms of action differ; Wellbutrin primarily affects norepinephrine and dopamine levels while Lexapro mainly impacts serotonin levels.

These differences often dictate when they are prescribed: Lexapro is typically considered as a first-line option for treating generalized anxiety disorder in addition to depression, whereas Wellbutrin might be added on to existing therapy with an SSRI like Lexapro or chosen for patients who haven't responded optimally to SSRIs or need to sidestep common side-effects such as sexual dysfunction or weight gain associated with SSRIs.

Both medications are available in generic form which can result in significant cost savings particularly for self-paying patients. With both Wellbutrin and Lexapro, it's important that patients understand there may be an adjustment period wherein effects aren't immediately apparent.

Although side effect profiles between the two drugs show similarities, they're generally well-tolerated with fewer reports of sexual dysfunction or weight gain from those using Wellbutrin compared to Lexapro users. Regardless of medication choice, it's vital that individuals closely monitor their mood changes when commencing treatment; immediate medical attention should be sought if depressive symptoms intensify or thoughts become fixated on suicide or self-harm.