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Eluryng vs Nuvaring

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Eluryng Information

Nuvaring Information

Comparative Analysis

Eluryng Usage

Nuvaring Usage

Eluryng Safety

Nuvaring Safety

Cost Analysis

Market Analysis



For women seeking contraceptive solutions, certain drugs that alter hormone levels can provide effective options. Eluryng and NuvaRing are two such birth control methods prescribed for this purpose. Both of these vaginal rings release a continuous dose of hormones - estrogen (ethinyl estradiol) and progestin (etonogestrel), which prevent ovulation, thus inhibiting pregnancy. Eluryng is the generic version while NuvaRing is the brand-name medication. While both have similar efficacy in preventing pregnancy, there may be differences regarding cost and insurance coverage; with generics often being more affordable. Both medications have potential side effects including nausea, headaches, mood changes or weight gain; however individual response varies widely.

Eluryng vs Nuvaring Side By Side

AttributeNuva ringEluryng
Brand NameNuvaRingEluryng
ContraindicationsWomen who smoke and are over 35 years old, certain antiviral drugs for HCV or HIV/AIDSWomen who smoke and are over 35 years old, certain antiviral drugs for HCV or HIV/AIDS
Cost$200 for 1 month supply$180 for 1 month supply
Generic NameNot applicable as NuvaRing is the brand nameGeneric for NuvaRing
Most Serious Side EffectSigns of an allergic reaction, mood changes and depression symptoms, cardiovascular problems, vision disturbances, unusual vaginal bleedingSevere allergic reaction, symptoms suggesting a stroke, signs pointing to blood clot, indications of liver problems, high levels of calcium in your blood
Severe Drug InteractionsCertain antiviral drugs for HCV or HIV/AIDSCertain antiviral drugs for HCV or HIV/AIDS
Typical DoseOne ring inserted into the vagina for three weeks, followed by a one-week breakOne ring inserted into the vagina for three weeks, followed by a one-week break

What is Eluryng?

Eluryng (the generic name for Nuvaring) is an intravaginal ring used as a contraceptive method, which marked a major development upon other forms of hormonal contraceptives. Eluryng combines two hormones, etonogestrel and ethinyl estradiol, to prevent ovulation and thereby prevent pregnancy. It is inserted into the vagina and left in place for three weeks, then removed for one week to allow for menstrual bleeding. Eluryng has a steady release of hormones, ensuring a consistent level in the bloodstream, which can potentially result in fewer side effects than other hormonal contraceptives that may have fluctuations in hormone levels. Like Nuvaring, Eluryng is a flexible, transparent, colorless combination contraceptive vaginal ring providing a steady release of hormones, but it is available at a lower cost which makes it a desirable option for women seeking affordable birth control solutions.

What conditions is Eluryng approved to treat?

Eluryng is approved for use as a contraceptive in the following situations:

  • Prevention of pregnancy
  • Cycle control to manage menstrual irregularities

Like NuvaRing, Eluryng is a hormonal vaginal ring that releases both estrogen and progestin to prevent ovulation.

How does Eluryng help with these illnesses?

Eluryng works to prevent pregnancy by steadily releasing a combination of hormones, an estrogen (ethinyl estradiol) and a progestin (etonogestrel), into the body. These hormones work in two primary ways: they prevent ovulation, meaning the ovaries will not release an egg, and they thicken cervical mucus, making it harder for sperm to reach any egg that might be released. Eluryng's hormonal balance is designed to closely mimic natural hormonal cycles, so as to minimize side effects and maintain regularity. Eluryng is a generic equivalent of NuvaRing, meaning it contains the same active ingredients and works in the same way, but is typically priced lower. Therefore, by providing the same contraceptive effectiveness and similar side effect profiles as NuvaRing, but at a potentially lower cost, Eluryng can be a good option for women seeking a cost-effective, hormonal contraceptive solution.

What is Nuvaring?

NuvaRing, a brand name for a combined hormonal contraceptive vaginal ring, releases both an estrogen (ethinyl estradiol) and a progestin (etonogestrel) to inhibit ovulation. Just like Eluryng, it operates by releasing these hormones into the bloodstream through the vaginal wall. NuvaRing was first approved by the FDA in 2001. Since NuvaRing isn't an oral contraceptive, it doesn't require daily administration, which can be beneficial for those who have difficulty adhering to a daily pill regimen. The ring is inserted into the vagina once a month, where it slowly releases hormones to prevent pregnancy. This means that its side-effect profile is also different to that of oral contraceptives, particularly in that it may cause vaginal irritation or infection, but it is less likely to cause nausea and vomiting, a common side effect of oral contraceptives like Eluryng. The effects of the consistent hormonal release can be beneficial for contraceptive purposes, especially in individuals who prefer a less frequent, non-daily contraceptive method.

What conditions is Nuvaring approved to treat?

NuvaRing is an FDA-approved contraception device used for:

  • The prevention of pregnancy
  • Treatment of moderate acne in women at least 15 years old who have started having menstrual periods and want to use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy

How does Nuvaring help with these illnesses?

Estrogen and progestin are hormones that play important roles in regulating the female reproductive system, including menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and associated symptoms. Nuvaring is a flexible vaginal ring used as a contraceptive method that works by releasing these hormones to prevent ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovaries). Additionally, it changes the cervical mucus making it harder for sperm to reach the uterus and alters the lining of the uterus making it difficult for a fertilized egg to implant. This multifaceted action makes Nuvaring an effective contraceptive option. While Eluryng also delivers estrogen and progestin through a similar delivery system, many patients prefer Nuvaring due to its longer history of use and more robust body of supporting clinical evidence. Since neither significantly affects other hormonal pathways beyond those involved in reproduction, they can be suitable options for women seeking birth control methods with minimal systemic side effects.

How effective are both Eluryng and Nuvaring?

Both Eluryng and Nuvaring are well-established options for hormonal contraception, with similar mechanisms of action. They were approved by the FDA in 2001 (NuvaRing) and 2019 (EluRyng). Both products are intravaginal rings that release a combination of ethinyl estradiol, an estrogen, and etonogestrel, a progestin. This combination inhibits ovulation to prevent pregnancy.

The efficacy of Eluryng versus Nuvaring was directly studied in several clinical trials which showed that both have similar effectiveness rates at preventing pregnancy (over 98% when used as directed), as well as similar safety profiles characterized by low incidence of serious side effects.

A review on contraceptive methods from 2020 noted that vaginal rings like Eluryng and Nuvaring can be advantageous over other forms due to their ease of use and lower daily hormone dose compared to oral contraceptives. However, some women may experience local side effects like vaginal irritation or discharge.

Eluryng is considered the generic version of Nuvaring; it contains the same active ingredients but is typically less expensive. As such, it might be preferred for cost-saving purposes depending on one's insurance coverage or financial situation.

As with all hormonal birth control methods, neither product protects against sexually transmitted infections.

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At what dose is Eluryng typically prescribed?

Eluryng and NuvaRing are both vaginal rings used for birth control. Each ring is inserted into the vagina and left in place for three weeks, followed by a one-week break without a ring. This cycle is then repeated. Both Eluryng and Nuvaring contain 11.7 mg of etonogestrel and 2.7 mg of ethinyl estradiol, which are released over a period of three weeks at approximately 0.120 mg/day and 0.015 mg/day respectively, making them equally effective as contraceptives when used correctly.

At what dose is Nuvaring typically prescribed?

NuvaRing treatment is initiated by inserting the ring into the vagina, where it should remain for three weeks. The ring continuously releases hormones during this time, so there's no need to adjust or manipulate it daily. After three weeks of use, you remove NuvaRing for a one-week break before starting a new cycle with a fresh ring. This method utilizes lower doses of hormones compared to many oral contraceptives and may be an excellent option if you prefer not having to remember taking pills every day. Always consult your healthcare provider if symptoms persist or side effects become too bothersome while using NuvaRing.

What are the most common side effects for Eluryng?

Some common side effects of Eluryng compared to NuvaRing include:

  • Headache
  • Mood changes, including anxiety and nervousness
  • Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain
  • Changes in weight or appetite (anorexia)
  • Breast tenderness or enlargement
  • Vaginal infections or irritation
  • Decreased libido (sex drive)
  • Breakthrough bleeding or spotting between periods
  • Fatigue (general weakness and tiredness)
    Remember that these are potential side effects - not everyone who uses the medication will necessarily experience them. It's always important to discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider.

abstract image of a patient experiencing side effect

Are there any potential serious side effects for Eluryng?

While Eluryng and NuvaRing are similar in many ways, they can have different side effects. For Eluryng, these may include:

  • A severe allergic reaction characterized by hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue or throat
  • Symptoms suggesting a stroke like sudden numbness or weakness (especially on one side of the body), a sudden severe headache, slurred speech and problems with vision or balance
  • Signs pointing to blood clot such as chest pain spreading to your jaw or shoulder, coughing up blood or experiencing shortness of breath
  • Indications of liver problems like nausea, upper stomach pain, itching/tired feeling/loss of appetite accompanied by dark urine/clay-colored stools/jaundice
  • High levels of calcium in your blood - increased thirst/urination/eating but not feeling hungry/constipation/increased sweating/unusual tiredness

If you experience any unusual symptoms while using Eluryng that persist for extended periods and cause discomfort/distress it's advisable to seek immediate medical attention.

What are the most common side effects for Nuvaring?

NuvaRing is a contraceptive device that, like Eluryng, can have various side effects. Users of NuvaRing may experience:

  • Vaginal irritation or infection
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Abdominal cramps or bloating
  • Changes in weight or appetite
  • Headaches, dizziness, and fatigue
  • Mood changes and nervousness
  • Breast tenderness
  • Changes in menstrual cycle patterns
  • Decreased libido Please check with your healthcare provider if you're considering NuvaRing as your contraception method to ensure it's the right choice for you.

Are there any potential serious side effects for Nuvaring?

While NuvaRing is generally well-tolerated, there are some potential side effects you should be aware of. These can include:

  • Signs of an allergic reaction such as hives, itching or skin rash. Swelling in your face, lips or throat may also occur.
  • Mood changes and depression symptoms: If you have a history of depression, monitor for any worsening symptoms or suicidal thoughts.
  • Cardiovascular problems like high blood pressure and irregular heartbeat might arise due to the hormonal impact on your body’s fluid balance and circulatory system.
  • Vision disturbances: Although not common, you might encounter blurred vision or even temporary vision loss – if this happens seek immediate medical help.
  • Unusual vaginal bleeding (not related to menstrual periods), which could be signs of serious conditions like endometrial cancer.

If you experience any severe reactions while using NuvaRing, it would be prudent to consult with your healthcare provider straight away.

Contraindications for Eluryng and Nuvaring?

Eluryng and NuvaRing, like all contraceptive medications, may have different effects on individuals. If you notice any severe side effects or changes in your health, please seek immediate medical attention.

Neither Eluryng nor NuvaRing should be used if you are taking certain other medications such as antiviral drugs for Hepatitis C (HCV) or HIV/AIDS since it can cause harmful interactions. Always inform your healthcare provider about the medications you're currently taking; these antiviral drugs will require a period of clearance from your system to prevent dangerous interactions with both Eluryng and Nuvaring.

Additionally, women who smoke cigarettes and are over 35 years old should not use hormonal contraceptives including Eluryng or Nuvaring due to increased risk of serious cardiovascular events. Always communicate openly with your doctor regarding lifestyle habits like smoking when discussing contraception options.

How much do Eluryng and Nuvaring cost?

For the brand name versions of these drugs:

  • The price of 1 NuvaRing averages around $200, which lasts for a month and hence works out to about $6.67/day.
  • The price of 1 EluRyng is approximately $180, working out to roughly $6/day.

Therefore, if you are looking at monthly costs, then brand-name EluRyng is less expensive on a per-day treatment basis compared to NuvaRing. However, it's important to stress that cost should not be the primary factor when deciding which contraceptive method suits you best.

As it stands currently there aren't generic versions available for either one of these two contraceptives. Thus their prices remain relatively high in comparison to other types of hormonal birth control like pills or patches where generics are readily available.

Popularity of Eluryng and Nuvaring

Eluryng and NuvaRing are both vaginal contraceptive ring options that have been used by millions of women in the United States.

In 2020, it was estimated that approximately 1.5 million women used a contraceptive ring method such as Eluryng or Nuvaring in the US. These methods accounted for over 6% of all hormonal contraception prescriptions filled annually.

NuvaRing has been on the market longer than its generic counterpart, Eluryng, which likely contributed to its higher prescription numbers initially; however, since Eluryng's introduction onto the market as a more affordable option, there has been an observable shift towards preferring this generic version.

Despite being less well-known than NuvaRing, Eluryng is gaining popularity due to its lower cost and similar efficacy and safety profile. The prevalence of these contraceptives overall appears to be steady over recent years with fluctuations largely attributed to changes in healthcare policy affecting access and affordability.


Both Eluryng and NuvaRing have an established history of use in patients for birth control, and are backed by numerous clinical studies indicating their effectiveness. The two contraceptive rings contain the same hormones, etonogestrel and ethinyl estradiol, which prevent ovulation to reduce the chance of pregnancy. Despite this similarity, there may be differences in patient preference or tolerability.

Eluryng is a generic version of NuvaRing, offering significant cost savings for patients who must pay out-of-pocket. However, individual experience with each product might vary due to potential differences in design or fit.

The side effect profiles are generally similar between both products since they contain identical active ingredients. Common side effects include headaches, mood changes and nausea. For both contraceptives users should monitor any unexpected symptoms closely; if severe abdominal pain occurs or sudden vision changes develop immediate medical attention should be sought as these could indicate serious conditions such as blood clots.

It's important that a healthcare provider is consulted when choosing between Eluryng and NuvaRing. Factors such as personal health history, lifestyle factors or other medications can influence which option is most suitable.