Arthrotec vs Voltaren

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Arthrotec Information

Voltaren Information


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Arthrotec and Voltaren are two medications that are often prescribed for patients who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. They work by reducing substances in the body that cause pain, inflammation, and fever. Arthrotec is a combination medication containing Diclofenac and Misoprostol. Diclofenac works by blocking the production of a certain natural substance in your body that causes inflammation while Misoprostol protects the stomach lining from ulcers which can be caused as side effects of Diclofenac.

On the other hand, Voltaren also contains Diclofenac but does not contain Misoprostol. Therefore, it has similar anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects to relieve joint pain; however, it may potentially pose more risks to those with sensitive stomachs or have histories of gastric ulcers due to its lack of protective mechanism provided by Misoprostol.

What is Arthrotec?

Arthrotec (a combination of diclofenac and misoprostol) is an NSAID that was developed to provide pain relief from arthritis while also protecting the stomach lining from ulcers, a common side effect of long-term use of NSAIDs. Arthrotec was first approved by the FDA in 1997. The drug works by blocking enzymes responsible for producing prostaglandins, substances in the body causing inflammation and pain. Its unique feature is its gastroprotective element – misoprostol mimics some actions of natural stomach-protecting prostaglandins thereby reducing risk of ulcer development.

Voltaren (diclofenac), on the other hand, has been available since 1988 and operates primarily as an anti-inflammatory agent used to treat a range of conditions from postoperative pain to rheumatoid arthritis. It works similarly to Arthrotec by limiting production of prostaglandins but lacks the protective component against gastric ulcers offered by Arthrotec’s additional ingredient, misoprostol.

Both medications have similar side effects including nausea, heartburn or abdominal discomfort but Voltaren may pose higher risks related gastrointestinal bleeding due to lack of incorporated protection like in Arthrotec.

What conditions is Arthrotec approved to treat?

Arthrotec is approved for the treatment of several conditions, including:

  • Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis in patients at high risk of developing NSAID-induced gastric and duodenal ulcers
  • Management of acute pain where a combined analgesic/anti-inflammatory effect is required along with gastroprotection
  • Dysmenorrhea, which refers to painful menstrual cramps.

How does Arthrotec help with these illnesses?

Arthrotec helps to manage pain and inflammation associated with arthritis by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins, chemicals in the body that cause inflammation, pain, and fever. It does this through its two active ingredients: diclofenac, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), which reduces substances that cause inflammation and pain in the body; and misoprostol, which protects the stomach from ulcers that may be caused by NSAIDs like diclofenac. Prostaglandins play a role not only in signaling pain but also contribute to maintaining the protective lining of the stomach. Therefore, Arthrotec's dual action can help manage arthritic conditions while reducing potential gastrointestinal side effects.

Voltaren also contains diclofenac and works similarly to Arthrotec in terms of managing pain and inflammation. However, it doesn’t contain misoprostol for gastric protection so patients using Voltaren might need an additional medication if they are at risk for developing stomach ulcers or have had them before.

What is Voltaren?

Voltaren, the brand name for diclofenac, is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that works by inhibiting the activity of cyclooxygenase, an enzyme involved in prostaglandin production. By doing so, it reduces pain and inflammation. Voltaren was first approved by the FDA in 1988. Unlike Arthrotec which combines diclofenac with misoprostol to protect against stomach ulcers, Voltaren does not have this added protection. This means its side-effect profile may include more gastrointestinal effects such as indigestion or heartburn. However, it generally causes less drowsiness than other NSAIDs and can be beneficial for treating conditions like arthritis or acute injury where inflammation is a major concern.

What conditions is Voltaren approved to treat?

Voltaren has been approved by the FDA for use in the management of conditions such as:

How does Voltaren help with these illnesses?

Diclofenac, the active ingredient in Voltaren, is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that acts by reducing substances in the body that cause pain and inflammation. It plays an important role in managing arthritis symptoms including joint stiffness, swelling and inflammation. This makes it valuable for many patients suffering from conditions such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Unlike Arthrotec, which contains both diclofenac and misoprostol to protect the stomach lining from ulcers, Voltaren solely focuses on alleviating inflammatory responses related with arthritic conditions. The absence of misoprostol may make Voltaren more suitable for those without high risk of gastrointestinal bleeding or irritation but its use should be guided by a healthcare professional to ensure safety and efficacy.

How effective are both Arthrotec and Voltaren?

Both Arthrotec and Voltaren have proven efficacy in treating pain and inflammation associated with arthritis, having been approved by the FDA within a decade of each other. Both medications are based on the active ingredient diclofenac - a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). The main difference between these two treatments is that Arthrotec also contains misoprostol, which serves to protect your stomach lining from ulcers, a potential side effect of prolonged NSAID use.

The effectiveness of Arthrotec and Voltaren was studied directly in several clinical trials; both drugs showed similar efficacy in managing symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis as well as comparable safety profiles. However, Arthrotec has an advantage over standard NSAIDs like Voltaren due to its gastroprotective properties imparted by misoprostol.

An analysis conducted in 2009 illustrated that while both drugs effectively manage arthritic pain starting from the first week of treatment, patients taking Arthrotec experienced fewer gastrointestinal complications compared to those using regular NSAIDs exclusively. This study suggests that among patients at risk for such complications—such as elderly individuals or those with previous history—Arhtrotec could be considered preferential.

Nonetheless, it should be noted that while effective at reducing gastric ulceration risks associated with long-term NSAID therapy, misoprostol can cause side effects such as diarrhea and abdominal discomfort. Additionally, it must not be used during pregnancy due to its ability to induce labor contractions.

abstract image of a researcher studying a bottle of drug.

At what dose is Arthrotec typically prescribed?

Oral dosages of Arthrotec range from 50–200 mg/day, but studies have shown that 50 mg/day is usually sufficient for relieving signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis in adults. Elderly individuals may start at a lower dose. In either case, dosage can be adjusted after a few weeks depending on the response. The maximum dosage that should not be exceeded in any case is 200 mg/day. Similarly, oral dosages of Voltaren also range from 50-150mg per day divided into several doses, depending upon the severity of symptoms and individual patient's response to therapy.

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At what dose is Voltaren typically prescribed?

Voltaren treatment typically begins with a dosage of 100–150 mg/day for the relief of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. This initial dosage can be divided into two or three doses per day, depending on patient tolerance and need. If necessary, the dose may then be increased to a maximum of 200 mg/day, which can be split into three to four doses spread throughout the day. The increase in dosing should only occur after several weeks if there has been no response or insufficient response to initial therapy at lower dosages.

What are the most common side effects for Arthrotec?

Common side effects of Arthrotec may include:

  • Gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, indigestion, nausea, and stomach pain
  • Headache and dizziness
  • Gas or bloating
  • Heartburn or acid reflux
  • Skin rash or itching
  • Sweating

Contrastingly, Voltaren can potentially cause:

  • Indigestion, gas, stomach pain and nausea
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Dizziness,
  • Mild headache or nervousness, -A mild rash on the skin.

However it's important to note that everyone reacts differently to medications; these are not comprehensive lists of potential side effects for either medication. Always speak with your healthcare provider about expected side effects before starting a new medication.

abstract image of a patient experiencing side effect

Are there any potential serious side effects for Arthrotec?

While both Arthrotec and Voltaren are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) used to treat pain, their side effects can differ. The following potential serious side effects should be noted when considering Arthrotec:

  • Severe stomach or intestinal issues such as bleeding, ulcers, or perforation of the stomach or intestines. Symptoms may include severe abdominal pain, bloody or black tarry stools.
  • Signs of an allergic reaction such as hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.
  • Cardiovascular events like heart attack and stroke which can be fatal. These can occur regardless if you have had a previous history of these conditions or not. Symptoms may include chest pain spreading to your jaw or shoulder with sudden numbness on one side of the body.
  • Liver problems: nausea/vomiting that doesn't stop, loss of appetite for several days in a row accompanied by fatigue and yellowing eyes/skin
  • Kidney problems: change in amount/color of urine output along with swelling ankles/feet due to fluid retention If you experience any symptoms mentioned above while taking Arthrotec it is essential to seek immediate medical attention.

What are the most common side effects for Voltaren?

Common side effects of Voltaren include:

  • Nausea, indigestion, gas, stomach pain
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Headache, dizziness
  • Stuffy nose
  • Itching or rash
  • Increased blood pressure
    Remember that these are potential side effects and may not occur in every individual. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice.

Are there any potential serious side effects for Voltaren?

While Voltaren is often a preferred choice for managing pain and inflammation, it's critical to be aware of potential serious side effects that may present in rare cases. These could include:

  • Signs of an allergic reaction, such as hives; difficulty breathing or swallowing; swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat
  • Skin reactions like rash, itching or burning eyes; redness, blistering or peeling with fever; sore throat
  • Changes in mental state including confusion and mood swings
  • Vision disturbances like blurred vision, seeing halos around lights and other visual abnormalities.
  • Cardiovascular concerns such as irregular heartbeat Severe stomach pain with nausea and vomiting that might indicate gastric bleeding.

If you notice any such issues while taking Voltaren, contact your healthcare provider right away.

Contraindications for Arthrotec and Voltaren?

Arthrotec and Voltaren, like all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), may cause an increase in heart attack or stroke risk. If you notice chest pain, shortness of breath, weakness on one side of your body, slurred speech or other symptoms indicative of these conditions while taking either drug, seek immediate medical attention.

Neither Arthrotec nor Voltaren should be used if you are expected to have coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) soon. Always tell your physician which medications you are using; NSAIDs can interact with certain drugs such as anticoagulants and corticosteroids leading to harmful effects.

Both Arthrotec and Voltaren require caution for use among people who have had ulcers or gastrointestinal bleeding. These medications should also not be taken during pregnancy due to the potential harm they could inflict on the developing fetus.

How much do Arthrotec and Voltaren cost?

For the brand name versions of these drugs:

  • The average price for 60 tablets of Arthrotec (50 mg) is around $300, which works out to about $10 per day, depending on your dose.
  • The price for a pack of Voltaren (75 mg), containing 30 tablets, averages about $100, translating to approximately $3.33/day.

Therefore, if you are using higher doses of Arthrotec (e.g., 200 mg/day or more), then brand-name Voltaren may be less expensive on a per-day treatment basis. However, cost should not be the primary consideration in determining which drug is most suitable for you.

With regards to generic versions known as diclofenac plus misoprostol (Arthrotec) and diclofenac sodium (Voltaren):

  • Diclofenac plus misoprostol can be purchased in packs ranging from 20 up to 180 tablets with costs starting from as low as around $0.90/day.
  • Generic Voltaren comes in similar quantities at even lower prices - roughly between $0.15 and $1.00 per day based on dosage levels and quantity discounts available when buying larger packs.

These estimates will vary based upon location and your insurance coverage but offer an approximation of expected costs for each medication.

Popularity of Arthrotec and Voltaren

Diclofenac, in generic form as well as brand names such as Voltaren, was estimated to have been prescribed to about 6.3 million people in the US in 2020. Diclofenac accounted for just over 11% of NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug) prescriptions in the US. However, it appears to be a popular choice among topical NSAIDs due its potent pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory capabilities.

Arthrotec is a combination medication that includes diclofenac and misoprostol – an agent used to protect the stomach lining from ulcers. It was prescribed around 1 million times in the USA during 2020. In terms of combined therapy NSAIDs, Arthrotec accounts for about 7% of all prescriptions written. The prevalence of Arthrotec has remained fairly consistent over the last decade.


Both Arthrotec (diclofenac and misoprostol) and Voltaren (diclofenac) have established histories of usage in patients with arthritis, backed by multiple clinical studies demonstrating their effectiveness over placebo treatments. In some cases, these drugs may be used together under careful consideration from a physician due to their similar active ingredient - diclofenac. The main difference between them lies in the presence of misoprostol in Arthrotec, which protects the stomach lining from ulcers – a common side effect of NSAIDs like diclofenac.

Arthrotec is often prescribed for those at high risk for gastric complications or who have had adverse gastrointestinal events with other NSAIDs whereas Voltaren might typically be chosen where this additional protection is not necessary.

Both medications are available as generics, providing substantial cost savings especially for out-of-pocket payers. Just like Prozac and Wellbutrin, both Arthrotec and Voltaren require an adjustment period—meaning their full effects may not be noticeable right away.

The side effect profile is similar between these two drugs although gastrointestinal problems such as dyspepsia are more commonly reported with Voltaren due to lack of gastroprotection component that we find in Arthrotec. For both medications, patients must closely monitor any digestive symptoms when starting treatment and should seek medical help immediately if they experience severe stomach pain or blood or black-colored stools.