Obesity ICD 10 Code

Refresher: What are ICD-10 codes?

ICD-10 codes are alphanumeric characters used for medical record organization. ICD stands for the International Classification of Diseases. The 10 denotes that this is the tenth revision of the classification system. The World Health Organization created and continues to update the ICD-10 medical diagnosis classification system.

Medical practitioners categorize diseases, traumas, symptoms, and environmental factors consistently using the ICD-10 code set. They rely on these codes. All healthcare professionals, medical coders, and insurance companies use these codes to accurately document and transmit information regarding patients' diagnoses and treatments.

An ICD-10 code consists of characters and numbers. These chapters of the code group similar situations together. These codes address tumors, infections, parasitic disorders, and other conditions in their own sections of ICD-10.

Many fields of medicine and public health rely on ICD-10 codes. Constant updates ensure that they are in line with the latest scientific findings and clinical best practices.

What is the ICD 10 code for Obesity?

Excessive fat storage or weight is the hallmark of obesity, a medical disorder associated with unfavorable health outcomes. Body mass index (BMI) is the ratio of a person's height to their weight. This ratio is commonly used to diagnose this condition. Obesity is often defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher. The ICD-10 code for obesity is E66.

Primary Obesity ICD code E66 Lookup

The specific subcategories under E66 provide further details based on the degree and cause of obesity.

obesity ICD code

Types of Obesity Coded under E66

The following are the types of obesity coded under E66:

  • Obesity due to excess calories
  • Morbid (severe) obesity
  • Obesity due to excess calories
  • Drug-induced obesity
  • Morbid (severe) obesity with alveolar hypoventilation
  • Overweight

Types of Obesity Excluded from ICD-10 E66

Excessive calorie consumption is the cause of obesity. It is classified as ICD-10 classification E66. Most people who are overweight have it because they consume more calories than they burn. However, there are numerous types of obesity that are not recognized by the ICD-10.

Inherited predispositions to weight gain include Prader-Willi syndrome, Bardet-Biedl syndrome, and a deficiency in the leptin receptor. They are often placed under the sections for the numerous inherited diseases that lead to obesity rather than a unique obesity code.

Increased weight due to a primary medical condition or the usage of a medication is called secondary obesity. Several medical conditions and drugs, such as corticosteroids and antidepressants, are the cause of weight gain. Instead of having a specific code for secondary obesity, medical practitioners often use the code for the underlying disease or medication.

Psychogenic obesity originates in a mental state. It is not categorized in the ICD-10.

Even if the ICD-10 doesn't include a code for the underlying cause or condition of a patient's obesity, doctors should nonetheless note it in the patient's medical records for treatment and management purposes.

Secondary or Metastatic Obesity ICD-10 Code E66 Lookup

metastatic obesity ICD 10


Obesity has the ICD-10 code of E66. It is now officially recognized as a medical disease with its own diagnostic code. The ICD-10 classifies obesity in several different ways. These include obesity caused by drugs, severe obesity with alveolar hypoventilation, and as nonspecific obesity. There are more ways to classify obesity and its related conditions.

Every healthcare provider documents the patient's history and current symptoms and uses this information to assign a subcategory. Accurate coding requires consulting the official ICD-10 coding handbook and regional suggestions.