Mesothelioma ICD 10 Code

Refresher: What Are ICD-10 Codes?

ICD-10 stands for the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision. It is a medical coding system used by healthcare providers to systemically classify diseases, symptoms, complaints, procedures, and abnormal findings [1]. This coding system was first developed in the 1800s to improve the quality of healthcare data and make it easier to generate statistical reports. Then over the years, it has become a useful way to track medical conditions and diseases, treatments, and the quality of patient care for reference in medical records, census keeping, billings, and insurance claims.

The World Health Organization (WHO) manages and publishes the ICD-10 base list, but several country members have modified it to better suit their healthcare system needs [2]. In the US, a variant known as the ICD-10-CM is used, where CM stands for clinical modification. Furthermore, another classification has been developed called ICD-10-PCS, which is used for inpatient medical procedures. PCS stands for procedure coding system [3].

There are approximately 68,000 ICD-10CM codes and 70,000 ICD-10-PCS codes available. For patients with neoplasms currently under treatment, ICD-10 codes C00 – D49 are used as listed below:

  • C00 – C97 is for malignant neoplasms
  • D00 – D09 is for in situ neoplasms
  • D10 – D36 is for benign neoplasms
  • D37 – D49 is for neoplasms of unknown or uncertain behavior

These codes mentioned above are not for patients who have had the primary malignancy excised or eradicated from the site with no evidence of an active, existing malignancy or are not currently undergoing treatment. Those cases are assigned ICD-10 codes from the Z85 category.

It is important to note that while the term cancer and neoplasm are often used interchangeably, these two medical conditions are not the same, as neoplasms can be noncancerous or cancerous. Also, ICD-10 codes for primary cancers (malignant neoplasms) and metastatic Mesothelioma lung cancer (secondary malignant neoplasms) are different, so these two cases can be defined separately [4].

What is the ICD 10 code for Mesothelioma?

For primary Mesothelioma tumors, the general ICD-10 code is C45.9 (malignant neoplasm of the lung), whereas, for secondary or metastatic tumors, the ICD-10 code is C78.0 (secondary malignant neoplasm of the lung) [6].

Primary Mesothelioma ICD 10 code: C45

Primary Mesothelioma ICD Code C45 Lookup

Below is a table of the ICD 10 Mesothelioma codes for primary Mesothelioma cancers, which are classified under C45, “malignant neoplasm of Mesothelioma” [7].

C45: Malignant neoplasm of Lung

Types of Mesothelioma coded under C45

The ICD 10 code C67 does not specify the subtype of bladder cancer. However, a C67 code can be applied to various cell types of primary bladder cancers, including:

There are four types of Mesothelioma:

  • Pleural, which occurs in the lungs
  • Peritoneal, which occurs in the abdomen
  • Pericardial, which occurs in the heart
  • Testicular, which occurs in the testicles

In other words, pleural ICD 10, peritoneal ICD 10, pericardial ICD 10, and testicular ICD 10 codes can all be classified as C45.0 if they are diagnosed as the primary malignant neoplasms of Mesothelioma.

An example is a patient diagnosed with stage 1 pleural Mesothelioma, with a single tumor found in the tissue of the lung. This patient would have the ICD 10 code C45.0.

Mesothelioma Cancers Excluded from ICD-10 C45

Mesothelioma cancers that are excluded from ICD-10 C45 are those with uncertain behaviors. Malignant neoplasm of pleura is classified under C38.4 [8]. C45.1 includes Mesentery, Mesocolon, Omentum, and Peritoneum and excludes other malignant neoplasms of the peritoneum that are classified under C48. Other malignant neoplasms of the pericardium are also classified under C38.0.

Secondary and Metastatic Mesothelioma ICD 10 code: C78

The ICD 10 Mesothelioma codes for secondary Mesothelioma cancers, or Mesothelioma cancers that have metastasized from other origins are C78, “Secondary malignant neoplasm of the lung” [9].

This code is subdivided into further categories, as listed below:

  • C78.00: Secondary malignant neoplasm of the unspecified lung
  • C78.01: Secondary malignant neoplasm of the right lung
  • C78.02: Secondary malignant neoplasm of the left lung


Mesothelioma ICD 10 Code C45 is necessary because it provides a common language to report, record, and monitor the cancer. It also allows the world to share and compare the data in a standardized and consistent way so that countries, regions, and hospitals can collaborate on research on the disease. It can improve the quality of care and help provide better documentation in clinical trials.