Lipedema ICD 10 Code

Refresher: What are ICD 10 Codes?

ICD-10 codes, or International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision, are a standardized set of alphanumeric codes used to classify and categorize different disorders and diseases.

ICD-10 codes follow a specific format and consist of three to seven characters, depending on the level of detail needed to classify a particular condition. The first character is always an alphabetic letter, followed by numeric or alphanumeric characters.

What is the ICD 10 Code for Lipedema?

The ICD 10 code for lipedema is E88.2. Lipedema is a chronic disorder characterized by abnormal accumulation of fat, primarily in the legs and sometimes in the arms. The code E88.22 specifically refers to "Lipedema (non-pitting edema)."

Primary Lipedema ICD 10 Code: E88.2

Primary Lipedema ICD Code E88.2 Lookup

You will find a table of the ICD 10 lipedema codes for primary lipedema below. These fall under the code E88.2, “lipedema (non-pitting edema).

E88.2: Lipedema (non-pitting edema):

lipedema ICD 10 Code

Types of Lipedema Coded

Here are some alternate codes that professionals can use for other types of lipedema:

  • R60.9: Lipedema
  • E66.9: Obesity
  • E66.5: Localized adiposity
  • M79.606: Pain in lower limb
  • M79.603: Pain in upper limb
  • R58: Easy bruising
  • E65.0
  • E82.0
  • R60.9: Edema, unspecified
  • I89.0: Lymphedema, not elsewhere specified
  • R20.8: Other disturbances of skin sensation
  • M79.601: Pain in right arm
  • M79.604: Pain in right leg
  • M79.605: Pain in left leg
  • M79.602: Pain in left arm
  • E66.8: Other obesity
  • E88.2: Lipomatosis, not elsewhere classified
  • M54.5: Low back pain
  • G47.01: Insomnia due to medical condition
  • M40.50: Lordosis, unspecified, site unspecified
  • R58: Hemorrhage, not elsewhere classified
  • R26.2: Difficulty in walking, not elsewhere classified
  • I87.2: Venous insufficiency (chronic) (peripheral)
  • M17.9: Osteoarthritis of knee, unspecified
  • E65: Localized adiposity

Lipedema Types Excluded from ICD-10 E88.2

Some codes are excluded from ICD 10 E88.2, including type 1, E66. This code falls under the heading “overweight and obesity” and includes:

  • Obesity due to excess calories
  • Morbid (severe) obesity due to excess calories
  • Other obesity due to excess calories
  • Drug-induced obesity
  • Morbid (severe) obesity with alveolar hypoventilation
  • Overweight
  • Other obesity
  • Obesity, unspecified

Secondary and Metastatic Lipedema ICD 10 code: E88.2

Secondary or Metastatic Lipedema ICD-10 code E88.2 lookup

In the ICD-10 coding system, there is no specific code for secondary or metastatic lipedema. Lipedema itself is a primary condition characterized by the abnormal accumulation of fat primarily in the lower extremities. It is not commonly associated with metastasis or being a secondary condition.

However, in some cases, lipedema may be accompanied by secondary conditions or complications. These can include:

  • Lymphedema: Lymphedema is a condition characterized by the accumulation of lymphatic fluid, often resulting in swelling. Lipedema can sometimes lead to secondary lymphedema due to impaired lymphatic drainage caused by the excess fat deposition. In such cases, the underlying cause of the lymphedema, such as a primary lymphatic disorder or damage to the lymphatic system, would be coded.
  • Venous insufficiency: Lipedema can sometimes coexist with venous insufficiency, a condition where the veins have difficulty returning blood to the heart. If venous insufficiency is present, the underlying cause or specific type of venous insufficiency would be coded.


In conclusion, the ICD 10 code for lipedema is E88.2. It is considered a primary condition characterized by the abnormal accumulation of fat primarily in the lower extremities. Lipedema itself is not typically associated with secondary or metastatic involvement. If secondary conditions or complications such as lymphedema or venous insufficiency are present alongside lipedema, the underlying cause or specific condition responsible for the secondary involvement should be coded accordingly.